Chapter 30

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Ella was a mess, by the time she got home her eyes were so swollen from crying she didn't think she could keep them open. She couldn't believe Josh had finally found out about the twins. She sighed, he was furious with her. He hated her. The way he had looked at her.

She rushed into her condo to find Sara already there. Her eyes were red and swollen.

"Hey." She said as Ella came through the door. She went to her friend and hugged her. "I am so sorry he found out this way Ella. He is so pissed; he knows I knew all along, Mike is pissed at me too."

Ella sighed. "I am so sorry Sara, you had nothing to do with any of this. No one should be upset with you."

"Mike will get over it. Josh I don't know."

Ella plopped down on the sofa. "I wonder what he is going to do."

Sara looked at her friend. "He called his lawyer. They want a DNA test done to make sure Josh is the father, and Josh wants court order for you to take the babies back to Vancouver so he can be a part of their lives."

Ella just sat there. "DNA test? Really?"

"That was the Lawyer that wants that done. Josh is pretty convinced that they are his babies. It isn't hard to tell."

Ben came out of the nursery. "Both monsters are asleep." He stated coming into the living room. He took one look at Ella, he went and took her in his arms. "L I am so sorry." He said as she started to tremble in his arms. She sobbed and sobbed.

"He hates me Ben." She said quietly. "I should of told him."

"L honey there is no point in beating yourself up about it. There is nothing you can do to change it. Just embrace whatever comes your way.

Ella sighed. "I guess there is nothing I can do about it." She said softly. "The boys will know their father. I really don't want to move back to Vancouver. I wonder if they can really make me."

Sara shrugged. "Get a lawyer."

"I don't want to fight with Josh over anything. I just want all this drama to stop in my life. I want my babies to be happy." Ella got up and went into her room. Sara followed her. She sat down on her bed and looked down at her hands. "I didn't like how he looked at me Sara. I will always love him no matter what he thinks of me."

"I know Ella. Josh will come around. He can't stay upset and angry for ever."

Ella sighed, she could feel the tears starting to fall again. She threw herself back on her bed. Sara sat curled up beside her. They use to comfort each other like this when they were younger. She wrapped her arm around Ella's waist. They both closed their eyes and fell asleep.


Josh sat alone in his hotel room with a bottle of alcohol in front of him. He took a long drink out of the bottle. It burned all the way down. He didn't drink normally, but today was the worst day of his life. He ran his hand through his hair. How could she keep the boys from him, how could she lie to him about everything.

He would have been there for her, he missed so much. He missed experiencing it with her. Yes he probably would have freaked out when she told him she was pregnant, especially because he thought Nikki was expecting as well.

He still loved Ella with his whole heart and soul, which is why this hurt so badly. To think that she didn't have enough trust in him to include him in their children's lives.

He picked up alcohol bottle and emptied it. He could feel the effects of the alcohol, he was drunk. He stumbled over to his bed and threw himself back on it. He looked up at the ceiling; he could feel warm tears starting to escape his eyes. He had said some pretty harsh things to Ella today, the look on her face haunted him. He shouldn't of said some of the things he did, he was angry, hell he was still fucking angry.

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