Chapter 37

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Josh had been on the phone all morning with his travel agent. He was planning a surprise trip for Ella. His mom and dad were going to take the boys for a few days; he just wanted to spend some time with just her before he left on tour. He was picking her up from work at three and they were headed to Whistler, he had rented them a little secluded cottage. He was so excited; he couldn't wait to get her all to himself.

He had talked to his parents, he told them that he had asked Ella to marry him and she accepted, it still didn't feel real to him. His mother and father were happy for them. His mom was more excited than his father; his dad was a little skeptic. Josh knew deep down that he always wanted Ella in his life forever.

He had called Sara to go ring shopping with him, she was so excited when Josh told her that Ella and him were getting married. She helped him pick out beautiful square diamond, with tiny diamonds that went all around the band. It was perfect for Ella. He pulled into the hospital parking lot. He pulled out his phone to pass the time before Ella came out. Ten minutes passed, he looked up and seen her walking towards the car, she was with a tall very attractive man. Doctor, Josh thought as he watched them closely. The man kept smiling at Ella, he put his arm around her casually, he could see that Ella felt uncomfortable. Josh got out of the car and leaned on the roof; Ella looked up and saw him. Her smile grew big.

"Hey Sweetheart." Josh said as they approached.

"Hi." Ella said smiling at Josh. "Josh this is Peter, he is a new intern here. He actually just lives down the road from us. Peter this is Josh."

Peter smiled politely at Josh and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you." Peter said to Josh. "Nice car." He said motioning towards the black BMW. "Expensive car." Peter said chuckling.

"Thanks." Josh said watching Peter's body language with his fiancé. "Sweetheart we should get going we have a long drive ahead of us."

Ella's eyes got big. "Where are we going?"

"It is a surprise."

Ella looked at Peter. "Have a good week. Nice meeting you."

"Same." He said shoving his hands into the pockets of you jeans. "Nice meeting you Josh."

"You to man." Josh said getting into the car, Ella slid into her seat, as soon as she turned to look at him, Josh kissed her, he kissed her slowly enjoying how her lips felt against his, how her tongue felt in his mouth. He felt her tangle her hands in his hair. He hoped that freaking prick was watching, he hated how he looked at Ella.

Ella pulled back breathless. "Where are the babies?"

"With mom and dad."

"So they are not coming with us?" Ella asked her heart falling a little bit.

"Nope.....this is trip is for our no sex bet that I lost."

Ella smiled. "So I get you alone for a few days, with no interruptions. We can stay in bed all day if we want."

"Yup." Josh grinned at her. "Lets hit the road."

Ella fastened her seatbelt and smiled at Josh.

They chatted, sang along with the radio, time passed quickly. Josh pulled the car into the drive way of the little log cabin. He smiled at Ella as her put the car in park. "There is no one around for miles. Just me and you with no interruptions." He grinned leaning across the seat and kissing her slowly. "I love you." He said as he pulled back, he looked into her eyes.

"I love you." Ella said smiling at him. "I am starving."

"The fridge should be stalked." Josh said getting out of the car and getting the bags out of the trunk. He watched Ella get out of the car and stretched. "Go on inside sweetheart. I will be right there."

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