Chapter 11

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Josh stretched and opened his eyes; he picked up his phone seeing that he had ten missed calls and twenty text messages. He groaned. He looked at the time. It was two o'clock in the afternoon. "Jesus Christ." He cursed sitting up rubbing his eyes. The bus was leaving at three. He looked at the sleeping figure beside him. She was beautiful. He didn't know where they stood after last night. He was such an idiot, Nikki left him, cheated on him and now she wanted him back to toy with his head. Right here beside him was a beautiful, smart woman who liked him for him. He didn't want to see her leave today.

"Ella.....honey." he said shaking her softly. "What time does your flight leave today?"

She groaned and pulled the blankets over her head.

"Ella." Josh said again, shaking her a little harder.

"For the love of GOD Josh I am going to kick your ass." She said sternly him. "What is the freaking deal?

She threw the covers back and looked at him.

"What time is your flight?" he asked again, trying not to laugh at her.

"One, what time is it now."

Josh eyes got big. "I think you missed your flight."

Ella shot up in bed; her hair was standing in every direction. She grabbed her phone and seen missed

Texts and calls from Sara. "Oh my fuck. Josh we slept the day away. I will never get back to Vancouver


"Don't go. Come on the bus with us to Saskatoon and catch a plane from there in a day or so. We have

two days off before the next show. We could just spend it together and get to know each other. Please

Ella." Josh pleaded. He looked like a child whining for candy

Ella sighed. She wanted to stay but she had work and Mo to think about. "I do have some vacation time

but Mo needs food and such."

"Do you have a spare key hidden anywhere? I can call my sister Sara she would stop by and check on


"Let me text my Sara and see if she made the flight and she could stay at my place and keep him company."

Josh's eyes light up. "You're going stay?"

She smiled "You are stuck with my Ramsay for a few days."

Ella had gotten a hold of Sara she was going to take care of Mo and let the hospital know that she was going to take some vacation days for stress relief. She was excited that she was going to be able to spend some quality time with Josh. She wanted him to forget that Nikki even existed.

Ella never in life would have imagined that she would be stuck on a bus with five men, well six if you count the grumpy bus driver. Josh, Ian, Matt, Mike and their Guitar tech Brett. She was so glad she stayed, she really seen Josh for who he was, he was this big jokester, he was a man child. She loved it. Her stomach was sore from laughing at the guys and their antics and they had only been on the bus for over a hour.

Ella yawned; the boys were playing video games. She was so tired.

"Sweetheart you are tired." Josh noticing her eyes heavy, she was starting to fall asleep. "Come with me." He said taking her by the hand and leading her from the very back room of the bus into the next place where the bunks were.

Ella looked at the bunk and back at Josh. "Really?" she asked. "How the hell do you fit?"

Josh laughed. "My feet always hang off the bottom, it is rather annoying. But since your short you will have no issue with that." He winked at her, she rolled her beautiful grey eyes at him.

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