Chapter 28

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~One Year Later.~

It was a hot July afternoon. Ella had just got off her shift at the hospital and was walking home. Her condo was a twenty minute walk. It was down on the waterfront. She loved Halifax now, she didn't miss home much, being Vancouver. She had left there last August and never looked back. She still hadn't talked to a single person from there. She changed all her contact numbers when she got home so no one could be in contact with her. She wasn't still upset at Sara, she actually missed her but she was being stubborn and wouldn't call her. Sara would probably never speak to her again; she skipped out on her wedding. Ella felt like a terrible person for that, at the time she just wanted away from everyone.

Her and Ben were still living together, Ben had a boyfriend now so he had sleep over's at his boyfriends place a couple times a week. He was still always there for her and the boys. The boys well they were a year and a half. They were busy, Landon was still a little reserved but he was a toddler, so he did what normal toddlers do. Liam well.......full of energy, he never stopped. He was funny too, a little comedian always kept Ella laughing and smiling. Both boys looked like their father, it wasn't hard to tell. At first Liam resembled her, but not now.

She still was single; she had been out on a couple of dates. Both Doctors, one ended badly and the other one was pretty good, but he was not Josh. She was still utterly in love with Mr. Josh Ramsay. She followed what the band was doing, kept up with you tube videos. She smiled at the thought of the new desperate measures video, josh looked amazing. He had changed his hair, from black and blue to silver and now blonde. She followed him on twitter under an alias so he didn't know it was her.

He would never forgive her now. Keeping the boys a secret this long and after how she had hurt him so badly. The first time she listened to the new record "Ever After", there was so many songs about break up and heart break. That was where he was at that time, and that was because of her.

She walked up the last street that led to her place, she felt the warm breeze off of the ocean, she loved the hot summer air. She made her way up to her condo. As soon as she opened the door she heard the little feet coming.

"Ma ma." Landon said running across the room towards her, his hair bouncing around his face. Liam was not far behind him.

"Hey my babies." She said bending down picking Landon up first, hugging and kissing him. Then she did the same with Landon. "Where is uncle Ben?"

Landon took her hand in his little fingers and drug her across the living room and over to the balcony doors. The screen was closed to keep the monsters in. Ben was on his cell phone, he gave her a small smile.

Ella went into her room, both boys right on her heels. She undressed and put on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. She took her hair down and ran her fingers through it. She was starving. "You monsters hungry?"

Both boys were bouncing on her bed. They were laughing their heads off everytime one of them would fall over. Ella hated when they jumped on the beds. She went over to the bed and pulled both twins into her body. They giggled and squeeled.

"You little monsters are going to fall off of the bed and bump your heads. No more jumping on the bed." She sang to them. She was now lying on her back, the twins were crawling all over her . "Ouch you guys hurt." She said laughing at Liam who was trying to get in her face.

"Hey." Ben said from the door.

All three of them stopped and looked at Ben. Ella smiled. "Hey."

"So that was Sara."

"Really?" Ella asked a little excited.

"Yes she is in town for the next four days, she would like to see you and the boys."

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