Chapter 6

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Ella was tired and wanted to go home. It had been a long exhausting day. Josh had dropped her off before he went off to get done what he had to before he had to leave, which was the next morning. She had said goodbye to him, gave him a hug and her cell number so they could keep in touch. She had only known in for a few days, but she was getting a little attached to him.

They were just friends, he would kiss her on top of the head, and he would hug and cuddle with her. That was the extent of the physical contact. She couldn't get him out of her head. She wanted to see him.

She finished up what she had to get down before leaving for the day, checked on a couple of patients, found the Dr for something she need him for and now she was going to go get changed and go home.

Once she was changed in the parking lot, she realized then that her car was still broken. She sighed running her hand through her hair. She dug her cell phone out of her and texted Sara. Who hardly ever texted her back. When she got no response she dialed her friends number.

"Hello." Sara said

"Wow you actually answered the phone." Ella stated sarcastically.

Sara giggled. "I am not busy right now. Where are you Stella."

"Standing in parking lot at the hospital, just remembered that I had no car."

"It is not fixed yet."

"No it isn't, where you at?"

"At the condo. We are having a farewell get together for the guys tonight. We are barbequing and having drinks. What are you doing? I miss you, and we need to talk."

"Well once I get home, I am taking a bath and going to bed."

"Is there anything going on between you and Josh?"

"No, we are just friends. Why?"

"Well his ex girlfriend has been here all afternoon, she is still here. I really can't stand her, she uses and messes with his head."

"Oh......." Ella started then she seen Dr Edmund Channing coming towards her, they kind of dated a few months back. Ella found him obsessive and had broken things off with him.

"You need a drive?" he asked coming towards her.

"Who is that?" Sara asked hearing the man's voice.

"Dr Channing."

"Don't let him take you anywhere Ella."

"I will talk to you later." Ella said hanging up the phone.


"Who was that?" Matt asked Sara, he heard the panic in his friends voice.

"Ella." Sara said, Josh's attention had turned towards Sara now as well. He had been thinking about her all day, Nikki was here now and she wouldn't leave. He didn't want to be rude and tell her to leave. He didn't want to be around her at all. Which was a first. "She is letting her psycho ex boyfriend drive her home I think."

Josh grabbed his cell out of his pocket and texted her.

"Sweetheart, I will be right there to get you. Stay there."

"I am sorry I forgot to text you to ask you if you needed a drive, but Nikki has been here all day bugging me."

"Hi, Edmund." Ella said as the man approached her, he was very attractive but he was a jerk.

"Do you need a drive? I am heading that way, can drop you off.''

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