Chapter 53

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This is the final Chapter of this story...........please let me know what you think. I may write a sequel but only if there is interest.

"Can you believe you are getting married today." Sara said looking at her friend from behind in the mirror. Ella just put her dress on. "You look amazing." Sara said with tears in her eyes. "I think I picked out the perfect dress."

Ella looked at the dress, it was perfect. She had her hair swept up off of her neck to one side, with lilies placed softly on one side. She felt like a princess. "Thank you." She said turning to hug her friend, who had a pale purple dress on, that complimented her basketball baby belly figure. "You look perfect too."

"Are you nervous?" Sara asked

"Am excited. I have no idea what Josh's is wearing. Traditional tux, or dress pants and a shirt. Or something completely his rock band style.''

"He looks pretty handsome. I seen him earlier." Sara said smiling. "You should see your boys. So cute."

"I can't wait to see them." Ella said as her dad came through the door.

"Wow." He said coming towards his daughter. "You look amazing. Your mother would have been proud." He said hugging his daughter. "I know I haven't been the best dad, but know honey I love you."

Ella started to cry a little. "I love you too dad." She said.

"No tears you are going to ruin your makeup." Sara said handing her a tissue.

Ella wiped her eyes.

"Are you ready to become Mrs Ramsay?" Sara asked smiling.

Ella smiled. "Can I have a few minutes alone?"

"Sure can. I am going to check to make sure everything is in order."

"I need to use the little boys room." He dad chuckled and left the room.

"I will be out as soon as I am ready." She said smiling at her dad before he left the room.

Ella looked in the mirror again. She looked nice, but she didn't think she was spectacular. She didn't know what Josh seen in her really. She was just glad he seen something. She sighed; she loved him more than anything in this world. She could not wait to be his wife. She turned to pick up her bouquet of white lilies. She looked up as she heard the door open.

"We need to talk."

Ella looked at Cassandra wondering why the hell she needed to talk to her. "I am about to get married Cassandra I really don't have time to talk to you."

"Believe me what I have to say you will want to hear. Just give me five minutes of your time."

Ella rolled her eyes. "Hurry up." She was frustrated already.

"I slept with Josh in Toronto, and we would have had sex in your house on your couch if your gay friend hadn't interrupted us. You were at the hospital with you sick boy, Josh turned to me for comfort." Cassandra said not waisting any time and getting right to the point.

Ella felt her legs go weak, and like she couldn't breathe. She felt the tears start to stream down her face. "You are lying?" she spat at Cassandra.

"What benefit would I have to lie to you about this?"

Ella sat down on the bed, her head was spinning, her stomach was sick, and she was sobbing.

"I am sorry. Just thought you should know what kind of guy you were marrying."

"GET OUT!" Ella screamed at Cassandra. As soon as Cassandra left the room, and the door shut, Ella chucked her flowers angrily; she threw them they hit the door and broke into little pieces. Ella ran her hand over her face. It couldn't be true. Josh wouldn't do that to her. Then she started to think back to that time, how distant he was with her, how annoyed he was with her, how he pushed her away. "Oh god." She cried. She fell to the floor in a heap, the skirt of her wedding dressed puffed all around. It all made sense, the story Ben told her last night and asked forgiving someone if the cheated. How could Ben of known and not told her. He was supposed to be her friend.

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