Chapter 46

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The next 48 hours was hell, Ella and Josh never left Landon's side. They would call home to see how Liam was doing, and he was just fine. Ben had gone home so Josh's mother could come down to the hospital to see them. She brought them some food, and fresh clothing.

Landon was now on a respirator as with the increased pressure that started late in the night before, was pressing on the part of his brain that controlled his breathing. Ella hadn't slept since he was admitted to the hospital. Josh tried to get her to go get some rest but she wouldn't. Josh dozed in the chair some; he got maybe twenty minutes of sleep.

Josh watched Ella talk to their son. She was so upset. She was so scared she was going to lose that little baby. The doctors kept telling them that only time will tell. They had just started a different type of medicine since the on previous didn't make any changes. Josh crossed the room and wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her head softly. He felt her to start to tremble; she had been crying a lot. He felt awful for her. He was just as upset about his baby but he needed to be strong for her.

"How is he doing?" Dr Miller asked as he entered the room and made his way over to Landon. He looked him all over. "Still no change." He said listening to the baby's heart. "I think that within the next few hours we should start to see a difference with him, if this new med is going to work."

"If this med doesn't work Alex, is there something else we can do?" Ella asked.

"I am going to converse with some doctors to see if I am on the right track with his treatment. I would hope he would start to come around soon." He said smiling softly at Ella. "I am going to do everything I can to make your boy well again."

Ella nodded her head, fighting back tears. "Thank you." She said as the doctor turned and left the room.

Josh came and stood beside her, he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Sweetheart he is going to be okay."

"What if he isn't?"

"I am not going to think that way." Josh said squeezing her shoulder lightly. "He is going to get better and we are going to take him home before Christmas. I am going to spoil him and Liam rotten."

Ella smiled at Josh. "I love you Josh."

Josh looked down at her, he cupped her face, wiped tears away with his thumbs. "I love you." He said softly. "You and the twins are everything to me." He said before he captured her mouth in a sweet softy kiss. He pulled back and gazed into her red puffy eyes, her nose was red too from crying. "I want us to get married sooner than later." He said looking at her. "I don't want to wait."

"We will talk about it when the Landon is better." She stated pulling away from Josh hold and going over to touch her boy.

"I am going to go out and call mom. She wants to bring Liam by today so he can see us. He has been asking for you Sweetheart."

"I really want to see him." She said softly.

Josh kissed her temple. "I will be back."

Ella nodded her head.

Josh went out and called his mom. "Hey mom how is Liam?"

"He is wonderful Josh. I don't know how you could ever thought of walking away from Ella and the boys. How is Landon doing?"

"He isn't good mom. I am worried sick."

"How is Ella?"

"She is a mess mom. I have never seen her so upset."

"Well you be there for her Joshua. She needs you"

"I know mom. I will see you later when you bring Liam down. What time you bringing him."

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