Chapter 21

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This chapter was hard to write.....please let me knwo what you think. Thank you :)

"Ugh.......I can't see my feet anymore." Ella mumbled to herself. Mo rubbed up against her legs. "I can feel you Mo but I can't see you."

Ella was now officially on maternity leave. It was the second week in January. The babies were due in a month and a half. She couldn't take work anymore, being on her feet all day, pulling and lifting on patients was wearing her out. The shift work alone was killing her. She was so tired all the time.

She had just got up out of bed; she had slept in till two in the afternoon. She was on her way to the kitchen. She needed a drink; she didn't feel overly well when she got out of bed. She went into the kitchen; the tile was cold on her bare feet. She sighed, she felt like she had to pee.

"I just peed." She exclaimed turning around to head to the bathroom, as she started to walk down the hall she felt a warm gush of liquid, she felt it splash against her legs as it hit the floor, then she felt a sudden stabbing pain across her abdomen. "Oh my god." She said realizing what had just happened. "This is too soon." She said holding onto the wall, waiting for the contraction to pass. "Ben.....BEN!" she yelled.

He came running out his room, rubbing his eyes and trying to wake up. "What the fuck L."

"My water just br......" she started but was engulfed in excruciating pain. She breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth waiting for the contraction to pass.

"I am taking you to the hospital. I am going to get you some clothes to put on. You can't go in your nightie."

"No shit Sherlock." She said. "I think I must have been having contractions for awhile......I just thought they were Braxton hicks."

Ben returned with her clothes, he helped her get dressed. "I don't think they can stop this Ben."

He gave her a concerned look, "Your water broke L, you will be having these babies today."

Ella started to cry. "It is too soon. They are going to be too small Ben."

"L everything will be okay. I promise. These little guys are strong, just like their momma." Ben helped her with her coat, and called a cab. "I will call Sara from the hospital."

Ella nodded her head. She was breathing through a contraction.


It was a studio day for everyone. The guys had been hard at work since early this morning. Sara and Nikki were both there for moral support. Sara couldn't stand being around Nikki, but she tolerated her to keep the piece.

"How is the wedding plans coming along?" Nikki asked. "You must be so excited......I was expecting Josh to purpose over the holidays but he didn't."

"They are coming along nicely. I am so excited......we both are."

"Did you set the date?"

"Yes.......the long weekend in August. I wanted it to be on a long weekend so Ella and her friend could make it."

"She is coming?" Nikki said with attitude.

"She is my maid of honor." Sara said harshly.

"Isn't Josh the best man?"

"What difference does that make?"

"Don't you think it will be a little awkward?"

"No not at all........Josh and Ella always got along perfectly well."

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