Chapter 32

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Josh watched his family with his boys; the boys didn't take long to warm up to everyone. Landon still stayed close to Ella, but Liam well he was just overly social. Sara's kids really loved the babies. He noticed Ella was quiet; his family had not been rude to her at all. He had warned his sister Sara not to give Ella a hard time. Even though they were not together, she was the mother of his boys and she would be in their lives.

His mom was amazing. She was so nice to Ella, from the moment they had arrived that evening. She was just a really good person. Josh loved his parents so much, to put up with everything he had put them through and still be so supportive towards him.

He watched Ella get up and walk out through the patio doors that led to the back deck. Both boys were being amused buy anyone that would sit and play with them. He was going to check on her to see if she was okay but his mom beat him too it. He would let her and Ella get to know each other a little more.

Josh sat down on the sofa; he ran his hand through his hair. He thought they might actually be able to make this work. The two of them living together, to raise their children. He wished things could have worked out differently. That they would have been a couple raising them together. He was still physically attracted to her, but he was not in love with her anymore. She had hurt him so badly keeping the boys away from him. He cared for her, damn she was the twin's mother. He would never stop caring.

"Uncle Josh come play with us."

Josh smiled and went over to play with his children, which was weird. He was still adjusting to the fact he was a dad and not just an Uncle anymore.


Corlynn came out onto the balcony. She could tell Ella was crying. She could see why her son was so taking with this beautiful young woman.

"Are you okay dear?" she asked softly placing a hand on Ella's shoulder.

Ella wiped her eyes quickly. "I am fine." She smiled softly.

"You don't look fine."

Ella sighed. "I am sorry to have kept them from you all, all this time. I see how the boys adore all of you and how you all adore my babies. I just don't know what I was thinking." Ella said trying to control her sobs. "I just wish it could have been differently, and Josh would never have to hate me."

"Oh honey he doesn't hate you. Is that what you think?"

Ella looked down at her hands. "He is being civil to me because he has too."

"Josh is stubborn and does not know what is good for him."

She wrapped her arm around Ella. "I want you to know that I will never judge you, as a mother I know you try to do what is right for your children. Josh will come around Ella, I see how he looks at you."

Ella smiled at Corlynn. "Thank you. I am glad I am here now. The boys need this, to belong to a great family. They are pretty amazing little guys."

"So much like Josh, especially Liam. Landon I see a thinker, and he is reserved and shy. He is like you in that way."

Josh peaked his head out the door. "Hi. Can I come out or is this a secret meeting?" he grinned.

"I was just going inside." His mother said passing him.

"How you doing?" he asked coming to stand beside, he looked down at her. "Were you always this short?"

Ella laughed. "Yup.....I hope the boys take after you and are taller."

"They are giving my dad a hard time right now. They are climbing all over him."

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