Chapter 23

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"Josh I wish you would cheer up. My mom is not that bad." Nikki said setting the table in their Vancouver apartment. "She does like you."

Josh looked at Nikki from the couch. "I just hate how she thinks she is better than everyone else. She so te Da!!" Josh said waving his hands. "It is my night off from the studio and just want to spend it with you."

"Josh honey they won't be here all night." She said finishing up what she was doing. "Everything is ready, and smells so good." She smiled as the door bell rang. "Ohhhhh they are here."

Josh rolled his eyes and groaned. Nikki turned and glared at him.

"Be nice!" She warned before opening the door.

Nikki opened the door, her mother and sister stood on the other side. They gushed and hugged before coming into the apartment.

"Joshua.......I see you could attend." Sheila, Nikki's mother said.

Josh inwardly rolled his eyes. Attend, what the fuck. It was his own apartment. It was times like this he wished he drank alcohol.

"Come on in and sit down. Josh you remember Mary my sister?" Nikki asked all sweetly.

Josh nodded his head. "Hi Mary."


Josh thought he was going to hang himself with his belt........he wanted out of that apartment that bad. He had to listen to Sheila go on and on about what Nikki should be doing, what they should be doing together......he was going to blow a gasket. This woman just irritated the hell out him. He had so many sarcastic remarks for anything that Sheila had to say, but out of respect for Nikki he kept his mouth shut.

They were all sitting around the table eating. Nikki's mother complained about everything. Nikki didn't' say a word, Josh felt bad because she had worked hard all day to have everything perfect. He reached under the table and squeezed her hand.

"Well Joshua........when are you going to finally ask my daughter to marry you?"

Josh cringed at the use of his formal name. "We have been talking about it." He smiled at Nikki, she leaned over and kissed him softly.

Mary had been quiet most of the evening finally spoke up. "I think you guys should register for adoption, since Nikki can't have children."

Josh didn't know if he heard Mary right. "Nikki can't have children?" Josh asked sternly. She had told him she was pregnant, and then three months later she lost the baby. What the hell was going on.

The color drained from Nikki's face. She looked down at her hands, she wouldn't look up at Josh.

"No she can't." Mary started. "Birth defect. She can't conceive or carry a child."

"Is this true Nikki." He asked sternly.

She wouldn't answer him. "I said this fucking true Nikki?"

Her mother gasped and went to say something. Josh glared at her. She shut right up.

"Answer me god damn it."

Nikki looked at her mother and sister. "Can you guys please leave? I will talk to you later."

"Are you sure Darling?" Her mother asked looking from Nikki to Josh.

"Yes mother." Nikki said hugging both her mom and her sister. She shut the door and turned to see Josh leaning up against the counter with his arms crossed, glaring at her.

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