Chapter 52

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Hi Guys, this chapter has been rewritten a couple times.....had a very hard time with it. And know I don't know what I am going to do with it. lol. Feed back please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Cassandra was so pissed at Josh. How could he just drop her like yesterdays trash? They spent a lot of time together over the past six months to a year. They worked closely together, hell he flirted with her on a daily basis. He slept with her, and would have continued to sleep with her if they hadn't gotten caught.

She was mad and upset she was going to see her best friend, who just happened to be dating Ian. She might get some information out of her. She walked up to the door of town house and rang the bell, waiting for her friend Taryn to answer the door.

"Hey beautiful." Taryn said hugging Cassandra as she opened the door. "Please come in, I am so excited you stopped by. I am just packing have to be at the airport in two hours."

"Where are you going?" Cassandra asked as she followed Taryn into the town house and into her room. There was a huge suitcase sitting on the bed, half full of clothes.

"I am meeting Ian in Hawaii." She said excitedly. "He left yesterday but I had to work this morning so I am flying out today. I am so excited. I can't believe how serious we have gotten. Can you?" she said excited. "I hope one day you will find someone just as great."

Cassandra smiled. No one knew about her and Josh. It was better that way for now. "Hawaii eh?"

"You should come too. I am sure no one would mind. You worked with the boys right? Josh's personal assistant right?" Taryn asked as she finished putting the rest of her clothes in the suit case and zipped it up.

Taryn was a little of an air head. But she was nice and her best friend. "Are all the boys there?"

"Yes......for a wedding. Isn't that exciting? I just love weddings."

Cassandra sat there for a few moments before she asked. "Who's wedding?"

"Josh." Taryn said. "He is just so nice and so cool. The girl he is marrying is so sweet too. Did you know they have two adorable little boys?"

Cassandra could feel her blood starting to boil. He was going to marry Ella, after she warned him that she would tell Ella everything if he didn't do what she said. She hated when he called her crazy when she had talked to him on the phone. She wasn't crazy, she just didn't think it was right for someone to use her for sex and toss her aside. She wasn't in love with him that would come. She just wanted him, and she was going to make sure she got him. Yes he would be upset with her for telling sweet little Ella she got it on with her soon to be husband, well never to be husband once Ella found out about their little sexcapades.

"Are you sure you want me to tag along?" Cassandra asked Taryn.

"Yes!" she exclaimed. "We have a three bedroom Villa, Matt and his date is staying with us too. Maybe we could even stay a few days longer."

"That would be awesome. Let me run and pack and book a flight. Hopefully can get on the same flight as you are on." Cassandra said getting up to leave. "I will text you."

"This is going to be so much fun." Taryn said hugging her bff.

Cassandra smiled and left to get ready to leave. She kept telling herself that she wasn't being a vindictive bitch. Ella had the right to know what Josh did behind her back. Josh would fall to pieces, and she would help put him back together again.


"Thank Fuck that is over." Matt exclaimed sitting down at the table where everyone was seated for supper. "I hate rehearsals, but this is technically your guys rehearsal dinner."

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