Chapter 40

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Josh woke up the next morning, well almost afternoon. It was a day off for them. They were leaving for the next city tonight which was Ottawa, so not to far of a bus ride. They would travel after supper and be there sometime in the night. He sat up in bed, realizing that he was alone. He ran his hand over his face and sighed. He felt at the moment very confused. He was so angry with Ella yesterday for nothing really, she was just being her sweet self, but when Cassandra walked in on him and Ella making out, it really bothered him. Why did it bother him? Ella was his girlfriend, and it didn't really matter if Cassandra knew, she worked with them, she wasn't a fan. Did he have feelings for Cassandra and didn't want her to know that he was taken.

"Josh that is just absurd." He said allowed to himself. He didn't have feelings for anyone but Ella. She was the mother of his children, she was beautiful, they had great sex, and she was loving and caring. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, or so he thought. Why was he having second thoughts about everything right now? "Damn it Josh." He cursed himself and threw himself back on the bed. He stared at the ceiling until there was a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" Cassandra asked pushing the door open a crack.

Josh pulled the covers up over his naked body. "Sure." He said before he fully realized he had no clothes on.

"Good morning." She smiled handing him a brown paper bag, and a bottle of OJ. "Muffins, blueberry." She smiled. "I figured you would be hungry."

Josh smiled at her as he took the breakfast she had brought out of her hands. "Thank you. I am starving."

"I am sorry about how I acted yesterday."

"What do you mean?" Josh asked taking a bite of his muffin.

"I was kinda bitchy to you after I walked in on you and Ella."

Josh opened his juice and took a big swig out of it. "Don't worry about it. I should have been more professional."

"So you guys are a couple?"

Josh nodded his head. "We are, have been on and off for the last three years."

"She seems nice. I just didn't give her a chance. I just seen her and got really jealous for some reason. She is so tiny and short, she has those beautiful grey eyes. She is a natural beauty."

Josh smiled thinking of how Cassandra was describing Ella. She was right, Ella was perfect and didn't need makeup to enhance her looks, and she was a natural beauty. "She is beautiful." Josh said shoving another bite in his mouth. "Why would you be jealous Cassie?"

"I dunno." She said playing with a string on the bed spread. "I just feel close to you and then someone else comes and invades my space and I get jealous I guess."

"Well don't be. There is enough of me to go around. I am really grateful for everything you do for me. You put up with a lot, especially when I get in my moods."

"No problem. You should get up and get dressed. The bus is leaving at five thirty. I know how you procrastinate you need to give yourself the time." She got up and walked over to Josh, she bent down to give him a kiss on the cheek, but she stumbled on some of his clothes and her lips brushed against his. She pulled back a little, shocked at what just happened. Josh was caught off guard. She kissed him again, she wrapped her hands around his neck, he didn't protest at first, he started to kiss her back, then he realized what was happening was wrong and he gently pushed Cassandra back.

"I am sorry." She said.

"That shouldn't have happened Cassie, you caught me off guard. Look I really care about you, we are great friends but I am totally in love with Ella, she is the......" he stopped he didn't want to tell her about the babies, like he almost just did. "She is the love of my life, and we actually just got engaged before the tour started."

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