Chapter 29

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Ella and Sara were sitting out on the balcony at Ella's condo. Sara had come over first thing that morning. After they had supper last night and Sara reconnected with Ella and the boys, she couldn't wait to spend all the time she could with them.

"So Ben was telling me that you were dating this really hot nice doctor."

Ella grinned. "Yes went out of couple of times, he was nice but there was no spark there. Very dry humor."

"Did you sleep with him?"

Ella shook her head no. "I am a reborn virgin as Ben puts it."

Sara laughed. "I am trying to get pregnant."

"Really? That is so exciting."

"I know I can't wait. Mike is going to be a great dad."

Ella looked out at the ocean, she loved the smell of the salt air. "I wish I could have more babies." She said softly. "I never really dealt with the fact that I could never have any more babies after I had the twins. I was just so busy and wrapped up in all my life and head drama to even stop to grieve the fact that I will never have more babies."

"I am so sorry."

"It is okay.......positive note I have two hyper amazing crazy funny boys. They will keep me amused and busy for sure."

Sara laughed. "Liam is so much like Josh."

"Oh I know, they both are him to some extent but Liam a 100 percent Josh."

"I don't know if that is totally a good thing or a bad thing." Sara chuckled. "Speaking of Josh, why did you tell him that you didn't love him and that there was someone else?"

Ella sighed. "I don't want to talk about Josh."

"Ella......I don't know why you are so stubborn."

Ella rolled her eyes. "I am happy now......and Josh from what I can see is happy. Let's leave it at that."

"Okay." Sara sighed. "As long as you are happy."

"I am." Ella said. "Oh Landon is awake." She stated as she heard his gibbering singing over the baby monitor. "I better get him before he wakes the other monster up."

"I have to get going. I am meeting the guys for some lunch, and then we are doing some tourist stuff and going out for drinks. You should come."

"I dunno. I have a date with two handsome little fellows."

Sara hugged Ella. "Okay well I will text you later. Give me your new number by the way." Sara giggled taking out her phone.

"555-5841" Ella stated as she hugged her friend back. "It is so nice to have you back in my life. I am so sorry about everything. I regret missing your wedding. Damn I am such a bitch sometimes."

"Yes you are but I still love you. You were going through a lot, I can see you are more yourself."

Ella shrugged.

"See you later."

Ella got Landon up and changed and took him out to the living room. She sat him on the floor and the first thing he went for was his toy piano. He banged his little hands on it, stopped and grinned at her. She brushed his hair out his eyes, kissed him on the top of his little head. Liam hollered. "You brother is awake."

"What is all the hollering about?" Ella cooed going into get monster number 2. "You are loud baby." She said picking him up. He wrapped his little arms around her neck and gave her slobbery kisses. "awww thank you baby." She said smiling at her son. "We are going to get you some lunch then we are going to go to the duck park."

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