Chapter 15

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Ella was miserable, she missed Josh like crazy. He was constantly on her mind. The next three days could not pass long enough. The last two weeks were hell. She was so happy that the band was taking a break and starting a new album in a few weeks. They also decided that they were going to sell the condo and get places of their own now. Their popularity had grown, as well as their pay checks.

Ella was sitting out on her little deck, the warm June sun was shining on her face, warming her body. She didn't have to work today, work was becoming redundant. She loved being a nurse, and used to love her job but lately it just seemed like work.

"Hello." Ella heard being called form inside of her little house. "Where are you Stella?"

"Out here Sara." She called back.

"Sooooo what are you up too today? I seen on the schedule you are off for five days?"


"Pfffftt........ya know I love ya."

"How was your trip? How is Mike doing?" Ella asked, Sara had just gotten back from being on the road with the guys for a week.

"It was amazing Ella. I gave my notice at the hospital today."

"What? Why would you do that?"

Sara rolled her eyes. "Number one, I have a huge trust fund and number two is this." She said shoving her hand in Ella's face.

Ella looked down and resting on her best friend's ring finger was a beautiful solitaire diamond. Sara was beaming.

"Oh my god. Sara really?"

"Yes." She squealed.

"Congratulations." Ella said hugging her best friend. She always thought she would be the one to marry first but this was amazing.

"You are going to be my maid of honor right?"

"Well of course." Ella smiled. "Wow. It is beautiful. Did you have any idea?"

"Nope I didn't complete surprise!"

"You want a glass of wine. Might as well celebrate." Ella said standing and going into the house. Sara followed behind her. Ella opened a bottle of wine and filled two glasses.

"On a serious note." Sara started. "What is going on with you and Josh?"

Ella giggled. "Well we have amazing sex, and I really like him."

Sara looked down at her wine glass. Ella looked at her friend who had gotten all serious from her excited self a few moments ago.

"What is wrong Sara?" Ella asked feeling a knot begin to form in her stomach.

"Do you hear from him?"

"Yes, he texts me every day. Well usually I haven't heard from him in like two days. I texted him last night, just figured he was busy."

"The guy is messed up Ella. I think you should take a break from him. I love Josh and he has the biggest heart in the world. He is still in love with Nikki."

"Why do you say that Sara?" Ella spat at her friend. "I am finally happy........and I I know that I am in love with him. I just haven't told him because I didn't want to push him away."

"Ella I am so sorry." She said going to her friend and hugging her. "I wish I would never have introduced you to him."

"Just tell me please."Ella said tears starting to slip down her face.

"Nikki is on tour with Josh, she has been there for the last three days."

"Why wouldn't he tell me?" Ella sobbed. "I am so stupid to think I could have competed with her. She is so beautiful."

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