Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Ella are you almost done?" Sara whined standing on the other side of the nurses' station. "You were off a half hour ago. The bars await." Sara lied to her friend that they were going to the bars, she had a surprise in store for her friend.

Ella rolled her eyes. "I really don't want to go Sara."

"It will be fun, besides it will take you mind of off Ramsay. You have been mopping for the past four weeks and they won't be home for another four."

Ella looked at her friend who was already to hit the town, little black dress. Sara was beautiful. The tall blonde, skinny type of beautiful. "Okay give me a few minutes to get changed and we will go. I am not getting all dolled up."

"Yes you are." Sara said chasing her friend down the hall. "I have a dress for you in my locker."


Ella got ready she put on the way too short black strapless dress Sara had brought for her. She left her hair down, it curled over her shoulders and down her back. Sara also did her friends make up, made her put big dangle ear rings on.

"Okay you look awesome." Sara said grinning from ear to ear. "Okay come on it is almost four thirty."

Ella sighed, as she picked up her purse and her phone. She checked it; she had not heard anything from Josh all day. She followed Sara outside, and there was a limo pulled up by the front doors. A man opened the door and Sara got in.

"What the hell Sara?" Ella asked getting into the limo.

"We are going to the airport. The guys record label sent the limo for us."

"The airport?" Ella said harshly.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch. They are having this big party in Toronto tonight, something to do with so many records sold of masterpiece theater. Matt and Mike wanted me to come, and they suggested that you come too, so you can brighten Josh's mood. I guess he has been moping too."

"What about my shift for tomorrow."

Sara smiled. "Taken care of."

"Okay, does Josh know? I have not heard from him all day."

Sara grinned again. "You are going to surprise him."

Ella got butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't wait to see him. His texts were either, sweet or sexy hot. She could always tell when he was alone in his hotel room by what he sent in his texts.

They got to the airport and boarded the plane, first class which was something neither Sara nor Ella experience before.

"Okay Stella, we have four hours on this flight. You need to fill me in."

"Fill you in on what?"

"Josh and you."

Ella could feel her face grow warmer. "He is a nice guy."

"Come one Ella, it is me Sara, your best friend. Spill, I want details. I was going to try to hook up with him but Mike happened first."

"I really like him Sara. I am so comfortable around him. He is amazing."

"So how is he? Ya know?" she giggled.

Ella smiled, "Fucking amazing. He can do things with his tongue." Ella said as her phone vibrated. She took it out of her purse and looked at it. It was a text from Josh. "Speak of the devil."

"Don't you tell him!"

"I won't."

Ella bean I miss you! Have this stupid party tonight; I just want to jump on a plane, bus train, scooter to get to you. I miss the way smile lights up a room, the way your skin feels against mine, naked of course :P

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