Chapter 35

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Hi all......this is a quick update, been busy with school :( . IF there are typos and errors and such, I will pick up on them when I reread later....Please let me know what you think.....I think this story is almost finished :) am having a hard time with it!


Ella pulled the car up in front of Josh's parent's house. She noticed that Josh's bmw was in the drive way. He had beaten her there. He was suppose to text her. She thought as she got out of the car. She walked towards the house and went inside.

"Hi Ella." Corlynn said as Ella came through the door. "The babies are with Josh and Miles in the back yard. They are having so much fun. They were so excited to see Josh."

"Did they give you any trouble?" Ella asked sitting on the sofa.

"They are no trouble."

Ella smiled softly. "When did Josh arrive?"

"He has been here for about a half hour. He seems tired."

Ella tried not to giggle at his mom's comment; she looked up as she heard little feet running towards her.

"Mama." Landon squeeled and running right to her.

"Hey baby." She smiled swooping him up in her arms. His little arms went around her neck. He gave her slobbery kisses. "Did you have fun?"

Landon smiled and pointed his little finger towards the back of the house. "Dada."

"I know he is home." She smiled at her baby.

"Down." He said and squirmed out of her arms and ran towards the kitchen.

"He probably wants something to drink." Corlynn said following her grandson into the kitchen.

Josh came in the room, with a screaming and giggling Liam. He had him held upside down. Josh flipped him right side up and he laughed harder.

"Hi." Ella said, Josh didn't realize she was there.

Liam smiled and scrunched his little nose up at her holding his arms out for his mother to take him. She took him and gave him hugs and kisses. Liam giggled.

"Josh." He said proud of himself.

"Daddy." Ella corrected him looking at Josh. Josh smiled at her softly. Liam wiggled to get down, she set him on his feet and he was off towards the kitchen. He heard Landon and Josh's mom in there.

"They grew in two weeks." Josh said sitting down on the sofa, he patted the cushion beside him as a que for Ella to sit beside him. "Liam will not call me daddy." Josh chuckled. "He grins at me after he says it, it is like he is doing it to bother me."

Ella sat beside him. "I know he is doing it to bug you." She reached out to take his hand; he pulled it back so she couldn't touch his hand. She gave him a questioning hurt look.

"I don't want my parents to know we are working things out yet."

"Working things out?" Ella asked looking at him. "You call having repeated sex, working things out. I call it back together." She said sternly, she was hurt.

"Sweetheart I don't mean it like that."

"Well it is how it sounds. I thought we worked things out by sleeping together and telling each other that we love each other."

Josh ran his hand through his hair. "I have been thinking a lot today. I don't want to rush back into a relationship."

"You have to be fucking kidding me." She went to get up but Josh grabbed her arm so she couldn't go anywhere.

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