Chapter 5

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Ella watched them load her little black car on the back of the tow truck. It was the only way Josh knew how to fix it. He did look under the hood trying to be manly, then just shrugged his shoulders and tossed Ella his phone.

"Where do you want to go eat?"

"My place." Ella smiled. "I will cook you breakfast slash lunch."

"Cool." Josh grinned and tossed his keys at her. "You drive."

Ella climbed into the car, she couldn't reach the pedals. Her head was almost all the way in the back. She pulled the seat up, Josh giggled at her.

"I am short." Ella snapped at him.

"I know, I noticed." He gave her one of those famous half smiles. "Let's go sweetheart, I'm starving."

They drove across town, to a small suburb; Josh messed with the radio the whole way over. Complaining that there was never anything good on, meaning Mariana's Trench.

Ella pulled the car up in front of a little white house. "We are here." She smiled getting out of the car. Josh followed her, taking in his surroundings. Ella unlocked the door and disarmed the alarm. "Hey Mo." She said bending down to pat her grey tabby. "Mo this is Josh. Josh, Mo." She smiled as Josh entered her little home.

"Nice." He said looking about the room. Pretty much open concept between the kitchen and the living area, the kitchen counter divided the two rooms. He noticed two doors off to the left, must be bathroom and bedroom, and at the back of the living room French doors that let out to a deck, with a small fenced in yard. Her furniture was simple too, big couch, tv, coffee table and a plant. "You live here by yourself, no roommate?"

"Just me." She said softly from the kitchen. She was cutting up some green pepper and onion. Josh had come up behind and was looking down over her shoulder. "You like?" Ella asked looking up at him.

"I do" he smiled down at her. "Can I help you with anything?"

"Ummmm can u shred cheese?"

"I can try..."

She went to the fridge, retrieved the brick of cheese and handed him the shredder.

"Don't hurt yourself with that." She grinned as she cracked eggs into a bowl.

He rolled those blue eyes at her and shredded the cheese with no mishaps.

Ella cooked the omelets, made toast and cut up some fresh fruit. Then she set the table. Josh was talking to her the whole time. Asking her about her family, she was an only child; her mom had passed away when she was younger. Her dad had raised her. Her dad was remarried now to someone almost her age.

"Here you go." She said placing his plate in front of him. She sat down across from him, at the tiny little table. "My dad is in Toronto. Sarah and I moved out here right after school for college. I really don't know where I would be without her. I know she seems shallow, but she really has a heart of gold."

"Ya, Matt says the same thing about her. I think she puts up a tough front to protect herself from getting hurt."

Ella watched him, she noticed his hands. They were so big, she loved his hands. She really loved everything about him. His lips, perfect for kissing.

"No boyfriend?"

"Huh?" she said being broken from her trance of staring. She hoped he hadn't notice. "Nope, in college I used guys for sex, if you can believe that of me, but true story."

Josh laughed. "Why wouldn't I believe that? You seem like such a slut."

" I am not proud of it."

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