Chapter 20

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Josh was in a foul mood, another month had passed, and it was December 24, Christmas Eve. He had to go to the annual Ramsay Christmas party at his sister Sara's house. He just wanted to go back to the studio and work on the album. They were making great progress; he was making sure everything was perfect. In the New Year though he was going to take a little break from Marianas stuff and do some producing and writing with other people. He was going to work with one of his good friends Carly. He had known her for years, and she was very talented.

He had not heard from Ella since that blank message was sent to him from her phone. Her phone must of pocketed dialed him. He missed her; it was not going away at all.

"Hey Darling." Nikki purred wrapping her arms around him from behind. She was almost his height. Just a few inches shorter. She kissed his neck softly. "You look sexy."

He smiled back at her in the mirror. He had black skinny jeans on, blue shirt, white tie. His blue hair was nice and vibrant. He just had it done. He turned around placing his hands on Nikki's hips. "You look beautiful Nick."

"We are going to be late." She said softly. "We need to get going."

Josh followed her out of the bedroom, went over and unplugged their tree. It was their first year in Josh's and hers new apartment. The guys had all gotten their own places.

They went down to Josh's car; it was overly chilly for a December night in Vancouver. It usually was not this cold. They drove in silence over to his sister's house. Josh parked the car getting out and standing by the car. "I will be in, I am going to have a smoke."

Nikki smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss. "Are you okay Josh?"

"Sure why do you ask?"

"You are just quiet. That is all."

"Well you know how much I love family functions, too many screaming hyper children. My mom is constantly nagging about something and they always make me sing.''

Nikki laughed. "We will be home soon honey. I will see you inside."

Josh smiled slightly at her; he lit his smoke, and took a long slow drag off of it. He exhaled slowly into the cold December air. He looked up at the stars. One thing he loved about his sister house was that it was not right in the city so you could really see the sky. He wondered what Ella was doing right at that moment. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and found her name in his contacts.

Merry Christmas sweetheart. Hope all your Christmas wishes come true. Xo

He finished his smoke and went inside to face the craziness.


Ella waddled out to the kitchen. She was starving. Decorating the tree had worked up an appetite. Her and Ben had just went and picked one out today. It had been a good day. She woke up depressed because she was homesick for Van city, so Ben decided they needed a tree, even though the both decided that they didn't need one.

Ella came back into the living room with a tub of ice cream in hand with a bag of dill pickle chips. "Is it still snowing." She asked Ben, who just turned on the propane fireplace.

"Yes the white shit is still falling from the sky L. I have no idea why you are so excited." Ben said rolling his eyes. "It is cold, and you have to shoveling, nothing to be excited about."

"It is pretty and it is Christmas and it makes me happy." Ella said trying not to tear up. "You want some?" She asked with her mouth full of chips and ice cream.

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