Chapter 51

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Hey all, I didn't have time to fully edit this, but wanted to get it up. I will apoligize for any errors now. Please leave feed back....comment. It is always nice to know what you all think. :)

Josh had his head resting on Ella's stomach; he ran his finger along the scar where his babies were taken out of her. Ella was running her fingers through his wet hair. They had come back from the beach and had to shower, there was sand in places that it shouldn't be. Their shower lasted a longer than it should of, that is what happens when you shower together. Now they were just relaxing in bed.

"What was it like being pregnant with the boys?" Josh asked still running his fingers softly over her skin.

Ella continued to play with his blonde and blue hair. "I found out here that I was pregnant with them, you remember how sick I was the last time we were all here?"

"Hmmmm I do."

"It was a shock, and I panicked. You were here with Nikki, and she was pregnant with your baby or that is what we thought anyway. I didn't want to tell you because I was scared I guess. We weren't even a couple. We were just sleeping together."

"Ella you know that isn't true. We loved each other. From the moment I first saw you, all drunk in that sexy hot red dress even though I had to hold your head up while you puked. I knew you were meant to be mine." Josh looked up at her and smiled for a few seconds and rested his head on her stomach again. "So tell me some pregnant stories."

Ella smiled. "The day I found out there was two; I thought I was going to die, and that they were both boys. Ben had to keep me calm. He helped me through the whole thing. He was so good with me. I was a total bitch Josh. I craved anything and everything. Ben was always going out to the super market late at night for whatever I wanted because I wouldn't shut up about it."

Josh smiled. "I wish I could have been there."

"I am sorry Josh. I will never forgive myself for not including you."

"It is okay." He said moving up beside her so he was facing her. "People make mistakes, and do things they wish they could take back. Those little moments in time, which are filled with mistakes, all the mistaken moments. I promise you I will never have any more mistaken moments with you Stella Marie."

She smiled at him. "I promise to Joshua....whatever your middle name is." She giggled.

He leaned in, kissing her softly before he deepened the kiss. Ella sighed and pulled back.

"You are sexy and your hot, but Josh I don't have the energy to do any more physical activity again tonight."

Josh pouted. "I will do all the work." He said kissing her neck, sucking and biting along her collar bone.

Ella sighed. "We need sleep." She said pushing him back softly. "Besides I don't know If I am going to be able to walk tomorrow, Not to boost your ego or anything." She giggled.

Josh pouted. "It was fun wasn't it?" he asked pulling her close to him.

"It are pretty much perfect." She said to him. "I love you so much and am so glad that you are mine."

"You are perfect sweetheart." He kissed the top of her head.

He held her utill she fell asleep, he tired to close his eyes but he couldn't sleep. It frustrated the hell out of him that he couldn't sleep. He just wanted to fall asleep with Ella in his arms. But nope his stupid warped fucked up mind would not stop racing.

Josh pulled Ella closer to him. He just closed his eyes and started to fall asleep and his phone started to ring.

" phone babe is ringing." Ella said moving out of his arms. "Answer it."

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