Chapter 27

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Ella woke up the next morning to a wicked headache, extremely dry mouth, and horrible stomach burn. She groaned and turned over to see what time it was. Shit , it was two in the afternoon. She had slept the day away. She wondered why Ben had not come and got her, she hoped that she had enough breast milk pumped to do the day. She knew she was still toxic from all the alcohol. She rolled over onto her back and placed her hand on her forehead.

She was still in her dress that she had on last night, she felt like a piece of shit. She sighed, she shouldn't of drank so much, and lost control. She sat up in the bed, winching from the throbbing in her head. She sat there on the edge of the bed for a few minutes before going into the bathroom. She turned on the shower. She undressed and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over her body. She stayed in there for almost a half hour before getting out, she wrapped her self in a towel and wrapped towel over her hair. She went over to the mirror and looked at her self. Dark circles, still tracing of eye liner, a purples looking mark on her neck. Her eyes got big, she turned her neck to look at it closer.

"What the fuck?" she said to herself. "A hickey? Really?" she scanned her brain, and then he came back to her all at once. "Oh no!" she said with her hand over her mouth. She had sex in the back of a limo with Josh. She felt like a cheap slut. She hadn't even taking her dress off. She was so embarrassed. She groaned and got dressed and went out to the living area. "Why the hell did you let this happen?" Ella said hold her hair back from her face.

Ben grinned at her. "I was wondering when you handed me your panties last night."

"Oh my Fuck!" she exclaimed. She sat down on the couch and buried her head in her hands. "I didn't do that did I?"

"Ya you did. Thankfully it was just Sara and I with you at the time." Ben said laughing.

"This is all your fault." She said glaring at him. "You guys set this up didn't you."

Ben held his hands up in defense. "I had nothing to do with it."

"You are the one that put me in that limo. Why didn't you stay with me?"

"Sara ordered me to do it."

"She is going to hear a piece of my mind. She knew damn well I didn't want to hook up with Josh."

"That isn't what you were saying last night L. You love him, just give in and work things out. You both would be happier." Ben stated

"NO!" Ella said sternly. "Josh is not the family man. He was worried about getting me pregnant last night. I just told him not to worry about it. He doesn't know I can't have any more babies." Ella stood and she was pacing and getting angry. The thought of Sara messing around with her life, yet again. "Josh is not ready for two boys, Josh is not ready to settle down."

Ben could tell she was pissed. "L calm down you are going to wake the monsters."

"I thought you were my friend Ben!" She snapped.

"Hey don't you turn this around on me. I wasn't the one who had sex with him, you made that decision on your own."

"Sara knew fucking well, that I would sleep with him if I was drunk and had the chance to. She fucking knew it that is why she made sure we were in that limo alone. It wouldn't even surprise me that she arranged for the limo to "Breakdown" "

Ben didn't say a word.

"She fucking did didn't she?" Ella picked up her purse and her car keys. "You are okay to watch the boys till I get back."

"L where are you going?"

"I am going to tell that woman to stop meddling in my life."


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