Chapter 48

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Ella sighed, She was trying to get the kitchen cleaned up some before the caterers and Josh's mom and sister arrived to start baking family traditions, today was the annual Ramsay Christmas party. Ella was exhausted, Landon had been home for the hospital a week but he would not let his mother out of his sight , he was very clingy.

Josh was never home, he was working at the studio, or that was his excuse anyway. Ella was really pissed at him. He had pushed her away every time she got close, and made excuses every time she tried to spend any time with him. She didn't know what the hell was going on.

Ben went home to Ontario to spend Christmas with his family, he too was acting really strange. When Ella questioned him on it, he blew her off as she was being silly. She was just overtired and reading into things. Something was up, she just knew it.

"Mama." Landon whined pulling on her leg. "Josh!" she yelled, he was in the living room with Liam playing video games with Matt. Liam was watching.

Of course he didn't' answer her. So she stormed out of the kitchen, picking Landon up and balancing him on her hip. She stood there and looked at the three boys, who were all engrossed in the television.

"Josh did you not hear me?"

"Mmmph." he mumbled and not even looking at her

"I have to clean the kitchen, and take a shower but Landon won't let me. Can you shut that off and amuse both boys."

"Ella give me a few minutes. I have been working my ass off lately and all you have been doing is bitching at me."

Matt looked at Ella and gave her a small smile. He knew Josh was being a dick. "I will take him for you." Matt said.

"Thanks Matt." Ella said handing Landon to him. "Play with Uncle Matt baby." she said softly to the baby. She walked away and Landon didn't cry for once.

She went into the kitchen and cleaned up some. She jumped when Bennie came running by barking because she heard a car in the drive way. She went to grab the dog by the collar but she slipped out of her grasp when the door opened, Josh's mom and sister were there. Bennie almost knocked them over and ran out the door.

"Bennie get back here." she yelled but the dog kept on running and barking. "Josh! Bennie got out. You need to go catch her."

"Jesus Christ Ella!" he snapped throwing the game controller down and getting up. "You know fucking well you have to get a hold of her before the door opens."

"I am sorry Josh." she said softly as Josh went out after the dog.

"He is in a mood." Sara said hugging Ella.

"Where are the boys?" Corlynn asked hugging Ella as well. "The rest of the family will be here tonight. I can't wait to have all of us together."

"Can you keep an eye on the boys, I am going to have a shower." Ella said as she went to go up stairs.

"Sure can hun." Sara said taking Landon from Matt and Liam by the hand and taking both boys into the kitchen.

"You okay?" Matt asked standing and moving closer to Ella. "Josh is a dick. I don't know how you put up with him." he said touching her arm softly. "If you need to talk I am here. I use to listen to all Sara's drama before Mike came along."Matt smiled softly. "I miss her."

"I know me too. I haven't seen her much. I think her and Mike are coming tonight."

"That will be great." Matt said smiling his biggest grin. "I am going to go for a while, need to get my fancy duds on."

Ella giggled at him.

"Anything you need Ella just let me know." Matt said before her pulled her into a big huge. He really hugged her. She looked so sad.

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