Chapter 33

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Ella stood out on the deck that overlooked the ocean. She needed a break; the boys were driving her insane lately. They were constantly fighting with each other, or into something they shouldn't be. They would terrorize the three cats and poor Bennie. She had an emotional break down the night before so Corlynn came and took the boys off of her hands for a few days. Ella now felt like the worst mom in the world. The nanny was away visiting family this week; if she would have been here Ella would have been okay. Josh had been gone for three weeks; he had left two weeks after they moved into the house on tour. They were actually due in sometime that day. Josh had called earlier that morning before the boarded the plan from Australia to Vancouver.

Ella loved the new house; it was huge, compared to what she was use too. It was beautiful too, Josh had great taste. The downstairs was all an open concept, living area, dining area and the kitchen which was separated by a long island type counter. The front part of the house, had floor to ceiling windows, the ceilings were high to accommodated for the loft type of upstairs where there were four bedrooms.

Where she was now was the front deck which overlooked the ocean. The property itself had a fence all away around it, with a gate that led to a path which in turn led to the water. The fence was good to keep the babies in, and Bennie. Ella watched Bennie as she ran across the front yard.

"Hello......where is the birthday girl?"

Ella sighed and rolled her eyes. She heard her best friend calling from inside the house.

"I am out here Sara." She called from the deck.

"Happy Birthday my friend." She said giving Ella a big hug. "I have so much planned for you today. The caterer will be here in a minute."

"What the hell do I need a caterer for?"

"Your party silly." Sara said smiling. "Come see your present."

"Sara you didn't have to get me anything."

"Trust are going to love it." Sara dragged Ella into the house, Bennie came running in beside them, she got through first.

"Hi L."

Ella's eyes got huge, she screamed and ran and jumped into her best friends arms, she wrapped her arms and legs around his body as he lifted her up.

"Oh my god Ben.....I can't believe you are here."

"I wouldn't miss your 29th birthday party. Last year before the big 30." He joked putting her back down on her feet. "You look like shit Ella."

"Gee thanks." She said giggling. "You try taking care of the monsters by yourself for a week. You would look like shit too."

"You just need some sex, rest and relaxation." Ben said grinning. "Look at me....and how perfect I look."

Ella rolled her eyes. Sara laughed.

"I like how he thinks."

"Where is your boyfriend?"

Ben shrugged his shoulders. "Didn't' work out L. He just wasn't the one."

"Shitty." Ella said. "I am sorry about that."

"No worries, I bounce back. Maybe I can get my talons into that emo boy you use to go on and on about." Ben said in a teasing tone.

"Don't start with that." Ella said giving him the evil stare.

"You two still haven't connected again. Emotionally or in the sack."

Sara sighed. "Ben both of them is too darn stubborn to make the first move. Josh is all pissed off still, that she hurt him and he can't trust her, so he is sleeping with random chicks to keep his mind of off this one. And this one is in denial."

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