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The next two weeks flew by, Ella and Josh spent most of their time at the hospital, one would go home at night to spend time with Liam. It was usually Josh. Ella liked to stay with Landon. Josh would bring Liam by through the day time so he could see his mother. Landon was getting better, it was touch and go there for a while but he was getting better. He was off the vent and he no longer had swelling in his head. The doctor thought he would be able to go home by the end of the week. Just in time for the annual Ramsay Christmas party that was being held at Josh and Ella's house.

Ella felt a distance between her and Josh. She didn't know if it was just that they didn't have enough time for each other right now. She hoped that is all that it was. Josh was busy with work as well, he had a video shoot earlier in the week, he had shown up at the hospital with blue and blonde hair. Ella was shocked, she didn't like it. She voiced that to him too, he got a little upset about it. When she asked why he did it, he said Cassandra thought he needed a change.

Ella hated Cassandra; the woman just rubbed her the wrong way. She had stopped by the hospital a few times to see Josh and how Landon was doing. Ella kept a close eye on her.

Ella had just arrived at the hospital. Ben was there covering for her. Ben was always there for her when she needed him.

"How was his night?" Ella asked coming into Landon's room. The baby was still sleeping.

Ben stretched and yawned. "He slept all night L."

"Coffee?" she said handing him a fresh cup of tims coffee.

"L, I love you." He said hugging her softly, inhaling her scent of vanilla. "You smell good."

Ella smiled as she walked over and touched her babies face softly. "He is so precious."

"I know he is. He is so smart too. I was reading him a book last night before bed and he knows most of his color."

"Just like his mama."

"Where is Mr sexy this morning?"

"He had to go to the studio." Ella said sitting down on the day bed in the room beside Ben. "Did you see his dumb hair?"

"I think it is sexy."

"You would." Ella said rolling her eyes.

"Good morning." The doctor said as he entered the room. "How are you doing Ella? Are you getting some rest now that he is doing better?"

Ella smiled at the doctor. He was a new doctor, his name was Ian. The doctor looked at Ben. "Is she taking care of herself?" he said as he looked at the babies chart.

Ben shook his head no.

"Hey." Ella said slapping his arm.

"Ouch." Ben said rubbing his arm.

"Well Ella I think you can take him home tomorrow, he will be finished the rest of his iv antibiotic today and we will start him by mouth first thing tomorrow morning."

"You think it is okay?"

He smiled at her, "I do. That way you will eat and sleep. If you don't take care of yourself you will end up in here."

Ella rolled her eyes.

The doctor laughed at her. "Okay I will see you tomorrow then." And was off out the door.

"Damn." Ben said.


"He is flipping beautiful. Ice blue eyes, and his smile. Oh my. He is hotter than your boy toy."

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