Chapter 19

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It was an early November morning; the breeze off of the ocean was cool. Ella was on her way to the hospital to have her first ultrasound done. She had been in the small city of Halifax for six months now. She wanted to be on the ocean like she was in Vancouver. It was nothing like Vancouver but she liked it here and she called it home. She had started working at the local children hospital on an oncology ward, which she loved such a switch from the Emergency department. She had meant a lovely guy named Ben, he was also a nurse. He was tall and blonde and gorgeous, he was also gay. He was her new roommate and best friend.

She heard from Sara almost daily, she missed her so much. She was family to her, not only her dearest and oldest friend. Sara had told her Nikki lost the baby, Ella doubted she was ever pregnant. Sara said that Nikki is now doing the whole depression I don't want to live thing to still keep Josh.

Ella had not heard a word from Josh at all since that night on the beach when they had said goodbye. She thought off him every day, she could feel the baby move and stretch now. She wished she could experience this with him. She knew it was for the best that he didn't know. She did contemplate on telling him about the baby when she learned of Nikki losing hers. She decided against it.

She heard from Matt weekly, they were good friends now as well. He didn't know anything about her situation at all. It was always nice to talk to him.......he always made her laugh. She also loved to know what the band was doing. They were working on their next album; it is going to be called ever after. They were pushing for a fall release of 2011. The baby would almost be a year then.

Ella walked up the hill towards the hospital. Ben was standing outside the door waiting for her. Being a gay man, he didn't really look it. He was not flamboyant at all.

"Hey Ella, are you excited to see what the little monster is?"

Ella was out of breath, her belly was round and she was showing quite a bit for six months. She smiled at Ben. "I can't wait; you have to get my best friend Sara on the phone so she can hear the whole thing. We will be waking her up but she said too anyway."

"I will do for sure. Now come on get your little pregnant ass moving. We are going to be late."

Ella went into the little room, put on the stupid gown. She thought she was going to pee herself. She could barely move she had to pee so badly. She walked out into the room; Ben was already sitting with the technician waiting.

"Miss Carter just lie down on the bed please. We will get this started."

"Hi Ella." Sara said through speaker on Ben's phone. "I am so excited hun."

"Me too. I just hope everything is going to be okay."

Ben squeezed her hand. The technician put the cold gel on her belly and then started to run the little camera over it. Ben and Ella both being nurses could tell pretty much what they were looking at.

"Everything looks perfect Miss Carter." The technician turned the sound on, they could hear the heart beat.

Ella started to cry, "Oh Sara I wish you could see. The little hands, the little feet."

The technician stopped moving the camera and had a puzzled look on her face.

"What is wrong?" Ella asked nervously.

"Well Miss Carter, both babies are boys. You are having twins."

Sara gasped, Bens eyes got huge. Ella just stared.

"What did you just say?" Ella said shocked. "There are two?"

"Yes there is. Congratulations." The technician smiled at her, and continued to show her both babies.

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