Chapter 34

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Ella woke up the next afternoon; she stretched and rolled over to face the love of her life. His hair was in his face, mouth slightly open, sleeping soundly. She reached over and pushed the hair back out of his face, he didn't move. She smiled, she felt so content at this moment. Last night was amazing, it was different than before; she always knew she loved him, but they never really admitted to loving each other when they were together, everything felt so intense. They had been up all night, just gone to sleep in the wee hours of the morning. She sighed and gently slipped out of the bed, she didn't want to wake him. She reached down and grabbed his black dress shirt and put it on her body. She went down stairs, the afternoon sun was coming in through the windows at the front of the house, it felt nice to feel the warmth.

"Good morning." Ben said as Ella came down and sat down on the sofa across from him. He was grinning from ear to ear at her.

"Good morning." She said smiling at him.

"Nice shirt."

"You like this do you?" she said crossing her legs. She was half naked but she didn't care as it was just Ben. She inhaled the scent on the collar of the shirt.

"You had a good night I take it? And morning .....from what I could hear."

Ella covered her mouth, her eyes got big. "You didn't hear anything did you?" she asked feeling her face blush.

"Not last night because I was passed out, but this morning.......four I right?"

"Oh my god Ben. I am so sorry. We were that loud that you heard us at the end of the hall."

Ben grinned. "Yup and my I pod was dead."

"I am so embarrassed. I didn't realize we were being that loud."

"You are beaming L. I don't think I have ever seen you to appear so happy."

"Ben I love him so much. I have been pinching myself to see if I am dreaming, I am waiting to wake up."

"You not dreaming L. I heard everything loud and clear this morning."

Ella threw a pillow at him. "Stop." She giggled.

"I am sorry L it is just funny seeing you blush." Ben stated standing up. "You must be hungry."


"French toast, coffee, and fresh fruit."

"That would be amazing Ben. I love your French toast." Ella said following him over to the kitchen. "Did you clean?" she asked noticing how the mess from the party was gone.

Ben chuckled. "The cleaners were here this morning. Round four I think."

Ella slapped him on the arm. "You are shitting me, and would you please stop."

"The cleaning lady had her ipod she didn't hear much."

"Much.......Oh god!" Ella said burying her face in her hands. "That is the first time I had physical contact since Sara's wedding. So you shut you pie hole Ben. I have had to listen to you before....."

"You have not." He said taking the eggs out of the fridge. "Make yourself useful." He said handing her a bowel and the fruit to cut up. "Lover boy still sleeping?"

"He is, probably his time zones are messed up and he didn't get a lot of sleep." She said smiling. "I have to call his mom and see when I am picking the twins up."

"What do you think changed his mind about the whole relationship thing?" Ben asked as he was setting the table.

"I dunno........really........I think him seeing me with Andrew last night really hit home. We never really had a chance at a real relationship with Nikki always being around, and he wasn't over her. It was just bad timing. I got pregnant the night we called it quits, he was going back to Nikki I knew that. I think that is the reason why I hid the babies from him. I dunno really."

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