Chapter 14

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Josh was so tired. He had just gotten back home from the hospital. His dad was doing better; he had been operated on that morning, and would probably be able to go home in a week or so. He had said goodbye to his sisters, mom and his dad. He was flying out first thing in the morning. He was so relieved that he dad was going to be okay.

He took a drag of his cigarette, not even really wanting it he chipped it out and sat it on the railing of the balcony. He ran his hand through his hair and went inside. He walked over to the sofa plopping down, fully stretching his body out. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

He felt his cell phone pulse. He looked at the screen and seen it was Nikki calling. He had unblocked her number after Ella had left. He knew he shouldn't off, but he felt the need to at that moment. He brang the phone to his ear.


"Josh honey how are you doing. I am sorry I missed you at the hospital today. You dad looked so much better."

"It is okay Nikki." Josh said softly.

"You are flying out tomorrow. Your mother and I had a very long talk Josh. She thinks we should work on things. She also thinks that you have rushed into a new relationship too soon."

Josh ran his hand over his face. "I do leave tomorrow. There is really nothing to work on Nikki. You cheated on me........enough said." Josh stated matter of factually. "As for my new relationship, it is no ones business."

"We were going to get married Josh."

Josh laughed. "Well you should thought of that before you spread your legs for another guy Nikki."

"That is hurtful Josh."

"It is the truth."

He heard Nikki sigh. "I love you Josh and I am sorry. If we got back together I promise I would never do that to you again. Please just give us another chance. We were good together Josh. Ella is just not the right choice for you."

"Nikki I am really tired and don't want to have this conversation."

"Why don't I stop and pick up some food, and come over and keep you company. We could watch a movie."

"I don't think so. I am just going to go to bed."

She sighed. "Okay suit yourself. Talk to you later Josh."


The woman had determination that was for sure. Josh got up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen. He was starving. He opened the fridge. It was pretty much empty except for a bottle of mustard and some dried up something.

"Ugh." He slammed the door shut. He was in an awful mood. He walked back into the living room, sitting back down on the sofa. He ran his hand roughly over his face. He didn't want to be alone, he looked at the time on his cell phone and it was just a little after seven pm. Ella was working till midnight. He tried to convince her to call in sick but she wouldn't.

He sat there and debated, if he should take Nikki up on her offer. They could have food, watch a movie then she could be gone before Ella got there after her shift. "Josh don't do it." He said allowed to himself. "You have no control when it comes to Nikki.'' He ran his hand through black and blue hair. He felt his phone vibrate. He picked it up and looked at it.

Hey babe........It is a slow night and they don't need me. I am going to pick up some food and I will be over. That is if you still want me? :P

Josh smiled.

Get your perfect little ass over here now!

Josh sighed, just thinking of Ella and that perfect little ass. He had gone home with her after they left the hospital the night before. He smiled, he was fallen for her. She was so damn cute, and sexy. He loved just being with her.

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