Chapter 7

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Matt had dropped Ella off at her house. Ella had been crying since she got home. She didn't know why she was so upset. She had only known Josh for a few days but every time he had kissed her tonight she felt like she was on fire. Every nerve in her body, nerves that she didn't know existed came alive with each touch of his lips.

She lay awake in her bed. She could not sleep. She rolled over and looked at the clock and it read three am. She sighed, running her hand through her hair. He was all she could think about. She reached over to her night table where her phone was setting, she picked it up, she wanted to text him. The look on his face before she walked away was haunting her. "DAMN IT!!!" she said allowed. Mo jumped and ran off of the bed from where he was sleeping.

"You awake."

She texted, she sat there and stared at her phone. It was only seconds and he replied.

"Ya, I can't sleep. I am so sorry sweetheart. You are all I can think about."

He replied to her text, he was lying on top of his covers. He had been fighting with himself for hours not to text her, so when she texted him first he texted her right back. He lied there and stared at his phone waiting for her to reply.

"You are all I can think about too."

She texted, she hesitated on sending it. She wanted to tell him to get his ass over here.

"I am so sorry, you have no idea how much hated to see the look of hurt on your beautiful face. I want to make it up to you, Nikki makes me crazy and now I have had time to think about things, I want you in my life."

He hit send and waited for her to reply.

''Get your ass over here now, I will let you know how you can make it up to me."

She was being bold, but she had to be. She wanted him with her. She didn't even have to wait ten seconds and his reply was there.

"Will be there in ten, unlock the door.''

"Oh my god.'' She jumped up, she looked at what she was wearing, a tank top and black panties. "Fuck it, I want to seduce him." She said allowed to herself. She pulled her hair out of its elastic and let it fall down her back. She ran to the bathroom, peed and brushed her teeth. She was nervous as hell. She looked into the mirror after she splashed some cold water on her face. "What if he turns me down?''

Mo meowed at her feet, and rubbed against her leg. "I really like him Mo." She stated as she reached down and patted his soft little head. She heard a car pull up, she ran to the door and was there to open it as her approached it.

She opened the door, there he stood, black leather coat on, his hair all messed up. He looked amazing.

"You always answer your door half dressed?" he asked with a half grin. "I like it."

She grabbed him by the collar of his jacket pulling him to her. She covered his lips with hers; she shut the door behind him with her foot. She jumped up into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, never letting her mouth leave his.

Josh pulled back just far enough that he could see her eyes. "I am sorry...." He started.

"Shut up." Ella said kissing him again. She was still wrapped around his body. "I don't want to talk." She said as she moved her kisses down to the inside of his neck.

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