Chapter 41

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Hey all......feed back as usual. I just finished this and it is sorry for any typos or errors, i usually fix when I re read after it has been posted. :)

Ella woke up and couldn't move, Josh had one arm draped over her and one of his legs entwined with hers. She was facing him. He was sleeping soundly, his blue bangs covered his face, she reached up and pushed them aside so she could look at his perfection. She softly touched his face, he didn't stir. He was so beautiful, his lips, his perfect jaw line, she wished he would open those beautiful blue eyes of his.

She sighed softly; she didn't want to wake him up. They arrived in Ottawa just past eleven, they all went out to eat and didn't get back to the hotel till one thirty, they were awake till almost four am, and it was now just after nine. She didn't know what time he had to be up to do work things today, they did have a show tonight.

She moved his arm off of her, and moved out from under his leg, he moaned a little rolling over, then she heard a soft sigh, he was still sleeping. She picked up his black shirt he had on last night, putting it on her body, she was buttoning up the buttons when she heard a soft knock on the door. She looked down at herself, the shirt came down to just above her knees. "Good enough." She said softly going to open the door.

"Good morning." Cassandra said from the other side, shoving her way past Ella into the room

"He is still sleeping." Ella said softly.

"He needs to be up." Cassandra said going over to the bed and putting her hand on Josh's bare shoulder. "Josh, dude you need to wake up." She said

Josh groaned pulling the covers over his head.

"Josh am I going to have to pull you out of that bed." She said with her hands on her hips.

"Go away!" He snapped.

"I can get him awake Cassandra." Ella said softly. "I have ways that work." She said trying not to giggle but knowing she was getting under Cassandra's skin. She could tell as soon as Cassandra came into the room she was bother by Ella's appearance, she was in the shirt Josh's had on last night, her hair was your basic after morning of having repeated sex hair.

Cassandra rolled her eyes before turning to face Ella. "IF you think you could do better, by all means."

"Okay, what time does he need to be wherever he needs to."

"An hour."

"Okay if you would excuse me, I have to wake my fiancé up."

Cassandra turned and huffed out of the room. Ella giggled.

"You enjoyed that a little too much." Josh said turning onto his back and rubbing his eyes. "Come here." He ordered holding his arms out.

Ella went and plopped down into his arms. "She hates me." She said smiling. "She wants you."

Josh rolled his eyes, pulling her to his body.

"Do you just wake up that way?" Ella said feeling how turned on he was by feeling his erection press against her leg, "Josh you would think after last night you would not be so damn horny."

Josh grinned at her, looking into her eyes. "You can't tell me sweetheart that you don't want it." He said seductively starting to touch her body in the places that she liked.

Ella kissed him, pushing her body up against his. She smiled at him. "You know I want you."

Josh smiled kissing her. "We don't have much time; you are going to get me into trouble."

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