Chapter 25

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Ella was exhausted now that both babies were mobile. She was spending the afternoon alone with them. Matt had taken Ben out shopping; he needed something for the wedding. After they had supper the other night, Matt had offered to take him shopping. Matt didn't know what he was getting himself into. Ella had told Matt that Ben was gay when she and he went for coffee after supper, when Ben had gone back to the hotel. He was shocked; he said Ben didn't come across as gay.

Liam and Landon were playing on the floor in front of her. Liam was always picking on his brother; already they would taunt each other. They were seven months old, Liam crawled over to her and grabbed her paint leg and pulled himself up to his feet. He looked up at her, scrunching his nose up grinning at her, he was proud that he was standing on his feet.

"Look at you, standing up like a big boy." Ella gushed picking up monster # 1, as Ben had always referred them too. Liam blew spit bubbles and squeeled. He clapped his little hands together, and giggled.

Landon was sitting quietly playing with a little toy piano. He was content being quiet, while Liam would not be content unless he was tearing everything apart. Ella sat down on the floor with both of her babies, watching them play. Liam would sit beside Landon and play for a little bit before he was on to something else. Ella could tell the boys were going to be close, but they would be brothers, they would fight and pick on each other.

"Mum mum mum mum." Landon gibbered reaching his little arms up to her. She picked him up he snuggled into her arms. She kissed the top of his soft little head.

She bent down and picked on Liam, and kissed his little head. They both barley fit in her arms, "Nap time my little monsters." She took them into their own room, and changed them and got them both tucked into their cribs. Landon closes his little eyes and went to sleep; now Liam pulled himself to his feet, scrunching his nose up at his mother.

Ella went over the crib and crouched down to his level. "You are so much like your father little one." Liam reached over and warped his little finger around hers. Ella sighed; she should be sharing this beautiful babies with Josh and his family. Nikki was not in the picture anymore, she was scared that Josh would be mad at her. He would get over it; he would understand and forgive her. She could hope he would. She made up her mind; she was going to tell him.

She went and showered and got dressed, she put on a pair of skinny jeans and a black tank top, she left her hair curly and put on a little make up. She was just finishing up when Ben came in.

"Hey L." he said sitting on the sofa. "You look prutty." He said as she walked into the room.

"Thanks." She said softly picking her phone up and texting Josh.

"Where are you?"

"L what is wrong." Ben said noticing something was off with Ella. He got up and went to her; he pulled her into a hug.

"I am going to tell him about the babies." Ella said softly," just waiting for him to text me back."

Ben looked at her trying to read what was going on in her head, what made her change her mind. "Are you sure? Do you want me to come with you?"

"I am isn't fair to Josh and not fair to the twins." Ella stated as her phone vibrated.

"I am at the studio. Why?"

Ella read his text.

"Can we talk? I really need to talk to you."

"Ella make sure this is what. It will change everything. Josh will have rights to see his children. Are you planning on getting back together with him?"

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