Chapter 45

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Here is the next chapter.......have proofed it twice, so if there are any errors i am sorry :) let me know what you think, it motivates a writer to keep going!!!

Josh had been all afternoon and evening at the studio, but he was happy it was their last day. They actually finished up a few days early. He and Cassandra were heading out for a few drinks and back to the hotel.

By the time they got back they were both pretty intoxicated. They laughed and joked the whole way up to his room. Josh unlocked the door, and went inside, he stood there with the door open.

"Wanna come in for awhile?" he asked giving her a half grin. "I really don't want to be alone yet."

"Okay as long as we can crack the mini bar."

"You read my mind darling." Josh said guiding her into the room.

Cassie sat down on the bed, kicked her shoes off. Josh came over and sat down beside her closely. "Here you go." He said handing her a bottle of wine he had just took a swig out of. She smiled and took It from him and did the same. "I am single now eh." Josh said quietly, but he knew she heard him.

"What happened Josh?"

"She said she was done last week and I haven't heard from her since." Josh said looking at his hands. "I tried to call her so many times, but it just goes to voice mail. She won't return my calls."

"Josh I am sorry to hear that." Cassie said putting her hand on his thigh. "You will find someone that is better for you."

Josh felt her closeness. "I think you should go." He said softly

"Why Josh." She said pushing her hand higher up his thigh, and pushing herself closer. "You are not in a relationship anymore. Let me help you forget." She said moving closer to him.

Josh didn't move, he let her push her body up against his, he felt her lips cover his. She kissed him, it was nice. He pulled her on top of him and ran his hands over her body. Josh felt her hands tugging at his clothes, unbuttoning his jeans, she was kissing him, he was kissing her back, but he was just going through the motions. He wasn't even getting turned on.

"This isn't right." He said pushing her back.

"Come on Josh." She said pushing her breast up against his chest. "It will be fun."

"It isn't happening." He said getting up and zipping his pants up. "I am in love with Ella."

"Josh she broke up with you. Let me make you forget for the night. We can have some fun."

Cassie moved back toward him, she grabbed him by the belt hoops on his jeans and pulled him to her. She kissed him, and started to undress him. Josh responded by doing what she wanted.

Ella was half asleep, but she could hear a baby crying. She opened her eyes and seen it was just past five am. She yawned and set up in bed. She could her one of her babies crying. It sounded like Landon. She got up and padded out the door and down the hall to the nursery. She walked into the room, and Liam was sitting in his bed, rubbing his little eyes. Landon was lying in his bed crying. Ella went over to the crib and picked him up. She noticed right away that he was burning up with fever.

"Oh feel hot." She said sitting him on her lap and taking his temperature. He had a temp of 104. She felt a little bit of panic. Neither of her boys had ever been sick before. She took Landon out of the room and down stairs to give him advil.

Once she had the advil in him, she put him back in his bed and he fell back to sleep. Liam was sleepy soundly at this time as well. Ella pulled out the sofa bed that was in the boys room and she curled up and drifted off to sleep. About an hour later she woke up to Landon screaming again, covered in vomit.

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