Chapter 50

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Josh stared at the ceiling fan that was spinning around and around over the bed. He couldn't sleep; he turned over on to his side and looked at the beautiful creature beside him. Her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head, few strays fallen into her face, her cheeks were flushed. Her mouth was opened slightly; he could hear her breathing softly. She had fallen asleep not that long ago. They had arrived at the resort just shortly after eight pm, they had a late supper, and settled in their room for the night. Once Ella plopped down on the bed she was out like a light. He did have other plans for her tonight, but watching her sleep was just almost just as perfect as making love to her. He reached down and took her left hand into his; he turned her engagement ring around as it had moved around to the back of her finger. He watched it glisten in the light. Damn he wanted her to be his wife, he didn't want to wait. He didn't want to risk losing the best fucking thing that had ever happened to him.

He sighed and got up easily out of the bed, trying not to wake her. She stirred but sighed softly and settled again.

He went out onto the little patio deck thingie outside of their room. He left the sliding patio door opened. The air was so hot and humid, he stretched out onto the hammock and looked up at the sky, there were so many stars shinning and twinkling at him. He pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Four missed text messages." He said sliding his finger across the screen of his phone. One was from his mom, wondering if they got there safely and to say the boys were settled. The other three from Cassandra demanding him to call her or text her back. He sighed ran his hand through his hair. He quickly dialed Mike's and Sara's phone number, It was one am so it would be four am in Vancouver. He didn't care. It rang a few times and Sara answered it, not sounding tired at all.

"What do you want Ramsay? Shouldn't you be spending time with Ella?"

"She is sleeping." Josh said softly, "She feel asleep as soon as we got in our room."

Sara giggled. "So no acting like teenagers?"

"Fuck off." Josh said chuckling a little. "I need your help with something."

"What might that be?"

"I want you to get everyone down her, and pick out Ella a wedding dress, and plan a wedding for us."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"I am.......I want to surprise her. I mean just family and close friends. Can you do it, I will cover all the expenses."

The phone went silent. Josh sat there and stared up at the sky.

"Sara?" he said raising his voice a little.

"Ugh........Ramsay. You think this is going to stop her from leaving your ass when that little bitch of a whore that you slept with tells her, well I think you are going to be heart broken."

"It will make it harder for her to leave." Josh said quietly. "I love her Sara. I can't lose her."

"You should of thought of that." She snapped.

Josh sighed. "Please Sara. Just this once quit being a bitch to me and help me marry your best friend."

Sara sighed. "Okay, when do you want this to take place?"

Josh cringed a little and used his super sweet charming voice. "Three days." He said quickly. "Don't forget Ben."

"Are you fucking kidding me Ramsay. Three fucking took me a year to plan my wedding."

"Ya your was a big shindig. I want simple, family and friends and a small meal gathering after."

"Okay......I will get on it. You start calling family. But you might want to wait a few hours; they may get pissed at you. The baby keeps me awake now so I am always up at this time."

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