Chapter 1

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Sarah sat across from her colleague /friend at the nurses' station.  "Stella, are you coming with us or not?"  She was annoyed with her friend, she never went anywhere, never had any fun.

Stella looked at her friend,  "Ella." She said under her breath.  Sarah always called her by her full name and she hated it.  "I have to work in the morning."  Stella said putting her stethoscope around her neck and looking up from her charting.  "I really want to go but ya know, I have to save some lives tomorrow."

"Ummmmm emptying bed pans.......yah that is some life saving." Sarah said making fun of her friend of 20 years.  They always did everything together......high school, nursing school and now working at the same ED, in the same hospital.

"The glamorous life as a nurse."  Stella said as she got up and moved away from the computer she was sitting at.  "So what are you doing tonight anyway that is so exciting."

"You know my friend Matt, well he is having a party and he invited me......and I have invited you.  You know Stella you should come for awhile.  He has some nice looking friends and you have not been near a man in forever." Sarah said jokingly and laughing.  "The only penis you have seen is the ones you have had to catharsizes, clean or swab.  You might have fun."

"I will think about it." Stella said smiling at her friend before rushing off down the hall.


"Who are you texting Sarah, you have not put that phone down all evening."  Matt asked plopping down on the sofa beside his smoking hot best friend, but friends were what they were for the past six years.  "They had meant at a album release party, one of the first album release parties they had.  "Is it your boyfriend?"

Sarah looked at Matt and rolled her eyes.  "No boyfriend.  My best friend."

"Hey I thought I was your best friend."

"You are my best guy friend." She said smiling at Matt.  He was so freaking cute.  "I invited her to come over.  I hope you don't mind.  I know it is a small gathering; I really just want you to meet her already.  She is like a sister to me."

"Is she hot?"

"She is smoking hot." Sarah said.  "tiny, long dark wavy hair, and beautiful grey eyes."

"Going to fix me up??" Ian asked joining in on the conversation that he had been ease dropping on.

"Hell no, she is too good for you." Sarah said pushing Ian away, he fell off the arm of the sofa onto the floor.

"Hey......that is abuse."

"OH MY GOD.....she is downstairs.  I can't believe it, she is here, and we have to get her loaded.  None of you take advantage of her." Sarah said looking at the two of them.  "I am going to meet her.  I will be right back."

Sarah rushed out of the condo into the elevator.  She could barley wait for the elevator descend down the 11 flights.  The door opened and there stood Stella, she looked amazing.  Short red dress, hugged her body in all the right places.  "Who knew that body looked so good?  Scrubs just are unflattering.  I can't believe you are here.  I am so excited for you to meet all my friends." She said all in one breathe pulling her friend into the elevator with her.  "it is going to be so different, you are not use to being around musicians are you?"

Stella giggled at her friend who was so excited that she had shown up.  She was nervous to be around anyone but the people she worked with and patients.  Sarah was right, she did need to get out.  "I am just staying for a little bit.  I do have to work in the morning."

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