Chapter 36

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Ella had quit her job at the doctors office and took a job at the Emergency department at the Grace general hospital. It was the second largest hospital in Van city. Josh was a little upset with her, for her to go back to working shift work again. Her reasoning, he was never home. They still had their nanny helping them out. Ben had left, she missed him like crazy. Sara was busy being a wife to Mike, and she was alone mostly with the boys and Laura who was their nanny.

Her and Josh's relationship, well he had lost the bet after five days in. She knew he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of her, they didn't have time to date, with her working and Josh working on stuff for their across Canada tour, to the babies taking all of their time. It was pointless to try.

She had just finished a 12 hour shift and was heading home. It was twelve thirty when she pulled into the drive way, she sighed seeing a bunch of cars parked in the drive way. She rolled her eyes and got out, her ears was greeted with the pounding bass as she walked into the house.

She dropped her bag by the door, she seen Brett, Matt, Ian, and a bunch of other guys she didn't know, she seen a bunch of barley dressed woman she didn't know and one of those woman was hanging off of her man. Perfect body, hot and blonde and getting all of Josh's attention. He was such a flirt. She looked down at her scrubs; her hair was piled in a messy bun on the top of her head, no makeup. She looked like hell. She could feel her blood boiling. Where the hell were her babies?

She walked across the room towards Josh, who had his back to her, the bimbo he was talking to gave her a dirty look when she approached them. She looked down at Ella, she was almost the same height as Josh. Ella tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned and looked at her, "I need to talk to you now Ramsay." She said coldly.

"Excuse me." Josh smiled at the blonde, before Ella drug him up the stairs to his room.

"Where are the boys?" she spat at him.

Josh folded his arms across his chest and looked at her. "Are you really going to bitch at me?" he slurred.

"You are drunk." She said noticing the redness in his eyes.

"My sister wanted the boys for the night." He said rolling his eyes. "I really don't see the big deal."

Ella rolled her eyes. "You never see the big deal Josh. You are drunk. You never drink. I come home after working a 12 hour shift and you don't even care to tell me that you are having a party. I walk in the house to see pretty girls are linked to your arm and you are smiling and gushing over her." She sat down on the bed and looked at him.

"You are jealous?" he asked giving her the lopsided grin.

"I am not jealous." She snapped. "I just want you to spend time with me. You are leaving for two months next week and I don't get to see you at all."

"Ella......come have some drinks. Quit being a little bitch."

She glared at him. "Why am I being a bitch? You are the one intoxicated and acting like a freaking asshole." She went to stalk by him. He grabbed her by the arm. "Let go of me Josh."

He grinned at her. "You are so damn sexy when you are mad." He said grinning at her.

" right. I have scrubs on, no makeup, my hair is a mess......and you're calling me sexy."

"I don't know when you will ever get it." He said pulling her to his body, and not letting her go, even though she was stiff and wouldn't ease into his touch. He whispered softly into her ear. "You are fucking hot, you make me want to rape you." He breathed into her neck before his lips assaulted her neck. "You know I love you sweetheart."

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