Chapter 4

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"Sarah, you know that you can be a real bitch sometimes." Matt said to his friend who sat across the table from her, they were having some breakfast. Matt and Mike cooked, well prepared it if pouring cereal into a bowl counts as making breakfast.

"Really Matt, for me just saying that you guys are master chiefs.........geezzzz. I would like something besides cereal and toast for breakfast. Mike, are you going to let him call me a bitch?" she asked glaring at Mike.

"You are a bitch, mostly."

"Ugh, I am not going to talk to either one of you. I am just going to ignore the both of you." She got up and stomped away down the hall to Mike's room.

"Are going to go talk to her?" Mike asked Matt "I think we really pissed her off."

"She is your girlfriend."

"She isn't really my girlfriend."

"Fuck buddy then." Matt said smiling at Mike. "Poor you." Matt said shoving more cereal into his mouth. "We have been friends for ten years and I just ignore her when she gets bitchy. I don't know what her deal is lately anyway. I think she is falling for you."

Mike shook his head. "Nah that would mean she would have to commit to one guy. I am not putting my heart out there to get broken. Beside we leave in three days on tour, so that will give her time to cool off and maybe miss me." He grinned. "So where did Josh go last night? I heard him come in around 230."

"Fucked if I know, you know Josh and his freaking sleeping problems. He could have went for a drive, or went to see Nikki."

"I thought they broke up?"

"Yes they did break up; I think he is still sleeping with her from time to time."

"She always messes with his head." Matt said. "You hear that?"

"What?" Mike asked

"Laughter coming from Josh's room, it was a booty call. I really don't want to have to put up with Nikki today."

"Well I should go smooth things over with Sarah." Mike stated as he put his bowel in the dish washer.

"Good luck with that." Matt went back to eating the rest of his cereal and reading the paper.

"Josh, it is alright. You are blushing."

"Fuck Ella, I am so sorry." He was embarrassed, and yes he could feel his face burning. Josh Ramsay embarrassed, what the hell was going on with him. He had woken up, and he was grinding into Ella's thigh. He was asleep when he was doing it, but that wasn't an excuse. "I can't believe you think this is SOOOOOO FUNNY!!" he whined.

Ella put her hand over her mouth to stop the giggles. "It is funny, well not that hilarious, but the fact that you are freaking out! Almost like a little girl." She burst into laughter again.

He glared at her, well tried to glare at her, she was cute as hell. No wonder he woke up aroused and grinding into her. She was fucking hot.

"So now you are calling me a girl. You should know that I am definitely not a girl by how you were woken up. I am going to take a COLD shower. Get over whatever you think is SOOOOO FUNNY." He said in a high pitched voice, and waved his arms around before he went into his private bathroom off of his room.

Ella stretched and slide out of bed as she heard the shower turn on. She wanted to go join him, she was so taken with him. She wasn't the kind a girl a rock star would go for. She was a just to plain and ordinary for a man like him. She walked over to the window, and opened the curtains, the sun blinding her. She was happy to see the sun. She opened up the French door and walked out, loving the warm sun on her face, she was still dressed in one of Josh's tops. She inhaled the scent that still lingered there.


She turned, Josh stood there half dressed, a pair of jeans, no shirt his hair wet and messy. Her eyes caught his, they were so blue. She got lost in them. She envisioned herself, closing the distance between them, and taking his face in her hands, bringing his lips to hers, wrapping her fingers in his hair."

"We should go see if we can get your car going, we can grab some breakfast first if you want?" she was in a stun. "Ella? You ok?"

She snapped out of it. "Sorry." She said, her face flushed a little. "That sounds fine. I do need to stop by my place to get some clothes."

Josh looked at her attire, a black dress shirt of his. It looked perfect on her. She was only about 5 foot 3, she had tiny little legs. His eyes trailed up her legs, the shirt just covered her bottom. "Okay, I will get you something clean of mine yet again." He smiled and retreated into his room, she followed him.

"Do you have any plans at all today?"

"Nope none. The next two days will be busy before we leave on tour for eight weeks. Why do you ask?"

"You wanna hang out with me?"

Josh gave her a half smile. "Now why would I want to hang out with you?"

"mmmmmmh..........because you amuse me." She grinned.

"Oh I know." He said sarcastically. "Put some clothes on." He said chucking the sweats and t-shirt at her, and left the room.

"Morning." Josh said to Matt who was still sitting on a stool at the Island. Josh went to the fridge grabbing a can of Coke Zero, his morning routine. Matt smiled at him. "What??"

"You and Nikki back together?"

"No, why do ask?"

"The girl that is still hiding out in your room."

"I am not hiding." Ella said coming over to the Island and pulling up a stool by Matt.

"Ella..........hi." Matt said grinning from ear to ear. Josh shot him the don't say a word look.

"Josh came and picked me up last night, as my stupid ass car wouldn't start and I couldn't get a hold of

my so called friend."

"Josh to the rescue." Matt joked.

"Come on Ella, let's go see if we can figure out why your car won't start, which maybe just calling a tow


"Cya Matt."

"Bye Ella."

Josh shot him another look as they were going out the door. Matt shook his head. He was going to move

In on her but, Josh had marked his territory, so he would just back off.

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