Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The pounding inside her head was unreal as she opened her eyes; the room she was in was already darkened. She looked around her surroundings, black curtains, and black bedspread. She sat up suddenly, groaning as her head felt like it was going to explode with each movement. She looked down at her body, and she had a white men's dress shirt on. "What the hell? "she said out loud. She sat up in the bed, running her hand through her long hair but her fingers stopping in a crusty substance, "ewwwww." She said disgustingly. She slid out of the bed, her feet hitting the cold floor. She was trying to remember the last thing that she actually remembered.

"Good morning."

Stella jumped and swung around

Josh chuckled. "Didn't mean to scare you." He stated handing her a glass of water and two advil.

"Josh? Right?" she asked, not fully remembering his name. She glanced at his eyes; those were eyes she would never forget. She looked down at her attire, "Oh god I am so embarrassed. I must look a mess."

Josh laughed, "Well you are in better shape right than you were last night. I had to hold your head up over the toilet; you have a bruise on your forehead where it hit the porcelain."

"Oh God, I am so embarrassed. How did I get in this?"

He gave her a sly grin. "Well I could make something up, and see you face redder than it already is, but I will be a nice guy and tell you the truth." He crossed the room and sat on the bed beside her. "You threw up all over your dress, so Sarah came in and got you undressed, I helped to get you into bed."

"Ugh." She groaned and fell back onto the bed. "I just want to die."

"You will be fine." He stated standing up, and offering her his hand. "I am Josh by the way." He winked.

"Ella." She stated smiling at him taking his hand.

"I put a t shirt and some sweat pants in the bathroom. You can shower and put them on, they will be huge on you but they are clean."

"Thank you."

"You are taking me for breakfast." He smiled before leaving the room.

Ella fell back onto the bed, inhaling his scent off of his pillow and sheets. She closed her eyes, still feeling stupid. "Oh god I was supposed to work this morning." She jumped up and went to take a quick shower.

Ella showered and dressed quickly, pulled her hair up into a messy bun and hurried out of the bedroom, to a room with four guys and Sarah.

"Good morning Stella. How you feeling."

"Ella, you know I hate when you call me Stella. Did you call into work for me. Since you let me over sleep."

Sarah eyes got big. "I forgot."

Ella sighed and took a deep breath. "Okay, well I better get my ass there. I will talk to you later." She glared at her friend. "maybe." She snapped.

"Ella lighten up." Sarah laughed a little.

"Don't even start, you so don't want to hear what I have to say right now."

She looked at Josh. "Thank you, I will get the clothes back to you. Will have to take you for breakfast another time. I need to be responsible."

"No problem." Josh said smiling at her. "I hope the advil helps your headache."

Ella turned and rushed out. Sarah sighed and ran her hand through her long blond hair. "She is so frigging up tight. She needs to get laid."

"I think she was just pissed at you." Matt said looking at his friend. "you should have remembered to call in sick for her. She seems like such a nice girl."

"She appears to be a nice girl." Sarah said, she was worst than me in College. "She used men and tossed them like trash."

"She grew up." Matt joked.

"You're an ass."

"I think she is downright cute." Josh said, still leaning up against the island that separated the kitchen from the living room. "I had a hard time keeping my hands to myself when I was going to sleep. I failed to tell her I slept in the bed with her. She kept telling me how gorgeous she thought I was."

Sarah burst out laughing.

"She was obviously drunk out of her mind." Ian said. "To think Josh gorgeous."

They all laughed, including Josh. Josh wanted to get to know her more. He loved how she blushed when he walked into the room. How she looked at him with those beautiful grey eyes of hers. He definitely had to get to know her better.

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