Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Ella awoke the next morning to an empty bed. She sat up, wrapping the sheets around her body, running her hand through her hair. The curtains were still pulled to keep the darkness in. She picked up her phone to see that it was a little past ten o'clock. She checked her messages, and there was no new message's. She wondered where Josh had gone, was a little hurt that he didn't wake her up. She picked her phone back up and dialed Sara's number.

Sara answered the phone all chipper and awaked.

"Why are you awake and in a good mood?" Ella asked as she twirled her hair in her fingers. She could hear guys laughing in the background. "Where are you?"

"Am at the venue with the guys, they are doing an early sound check for the show tonight."

"Oh?" Ella said, she was a little put out that she didn't get asked to go. "What time does our flight leave?"

Sara giggled. "Surprise, we are going home tomorrow."

"What?" Ella snapped. "I know that you don't care if you work or not, I have bills to pay Sara. I can't be neglecting my life, my bills, my job."

"You are in a bad mood."

"Yes I guess I am. I am calling the airline, and am going home." She snapped "This is fucking retarded."

"Gawd you think you would be in a better mood, getting laid and all."

Ella sighed and hung up the phone. She didn't want to talk to Sara at all.


Sara hated when Ella acted like a moron. She hated when she hung up on her. "Ugh." She exclaimed.

"What is wrong baby?" Mike asked coming over to her.

"Ella is an idiot mostly. That woman is .........UGH." Sara chucked her phone on the table. "I have put up with her for so many years. She always .......she is just.........I don't know what is wrong with her. She is just in a bad mood and she is terrible when she is in a bad mood."

"Who is in a bad mood?" Matt asked joining on the conversation.

"Ella" Mike said rubbing Sara's shoulders.

"What about Ella?" Josh asked sitting down by Sara.

"She is a bitch." Sara said shrugging Mike's hands of her shoulders. "She is just.........ugh so.......fucking ugh...... She is probably at the airport right now go home to her sad little existence that she thinks is so important. I don't know why she is even still my friend. Like REALLY!"

Josh shrugged. "She was sleeping soundly when I left."

Sara looked at Josh with big eyes. "You left and didn't wake her."

"Ya, she was sleeping soundly. I didn't want to wake her."

"Well there.....she is pissed at you and taking it out on me."

Josh scrunched up his eyebrows. "Why would she be pissed at me."

"Joshua!" Sara exclaimed. "You don't know her well enough to know that she is a softy when it comes to sleeping with someone she likes, for her to wake up and find you gone is an insult. If it was just sex to her then she wouldn't give a rats ass."

Josh sat there and took in what Sara was saying. "What are you saying Sara?"

"She is in love with you already. Oh my fucking god!!!!"

Mike chuckled, Matt walked away. Josh ran his hand through his hair. Ella in love already, that couldn't be possible. They haven't even known each other a more than a little over a month. They have had sex....Josh tried to count. Well spent two nights together. Well more than two nights, but two nights of amazing sex. Josh didn't know if he was ready for serious, after Nikki, he was still dealing with left over emotions there. They had been together for a few years, lived together, shared a pet together.

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