Chapter 17

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"Ella it will be fun." Sara said sitting on the bottom of her best friend's bed. "White sand, blue water, fresh warm air. Drinks by the pool."

"Sara I just want to stay home."

"You have not left your house two months. I have been paying your bills for you."

"I am going to pay you back once I figure stuff out."

"Look I don't care about the money, which is what family, is for.....technically speaking."

Ella didn't know if she could face the world. "What about Mo?"

"Ian said he will take care of him."

"Josh isn't coming right?"

"No Josh, just myself, Mike, Matt and his friend.......Steve I think. Come on Ella it is a free trip to Hawaii."

"I don't want to go." Ella said. "Everything reminds me of him. I am pathetic."

"yes.......yes you are." Sara said. "I just want you to forget about him. He will realized someday after the baby is born.......that a baby isn't a solve for a damaged relationship."


"Shit........god I forgot you didn't know about that. Ella I am sorry. Nikki is pregnant."

"Oh." Ella said softly. "How is he?"

"You know Josh.......he is at the studio all the time. He has his own now. It is amazing. He was a little put out that I am taking Matt and Mike away for a week."

"Is he happy?"

"He seems to be Ella. I am sorry honey. You need to get over him. Move on."

Ella sighed. "Okay I will go with you. You need to find someone to take care of Mo."

"Ian already said he would."

"Great." Ella smiled.


Ella was furious with Sara once they had arrived at the resort in Hawaii. She had just spent an entire flight watching Nikki display a little too much public affection. Josh and Nikki were not supposed to come. She wanted to go back home. Josh had given her a small smile when he had seen her today. She couldn't help but glare at him. She glared at everyone.

"Ella I am sorry. It was last minute." Sara tried to explain to her friend.

"Book me a flight home. Now!"

"Ella quit being a child. That is how you have been acting ever since you and Josh broke up. I am sorry you were not together that long. Technically you were not even officially together. You were sleeping with each other."

"Sara you need to get out of my face right now."

"You are so ........ so........ugh." Sara stammered then left the room slamming the door behind her.

"Don't you dare cry Ella." She told herself sitting on the bed. She was a mess. She had not heard a word from Josh since the night they last made love. He had left that morning, and that was the end. She was being a baby, she was being stupid. "You need to let him go Ella." She said allowed to herself.

She got up and walked over and opened the balcony doors, she walked out onto the landing, she could smell the sweet scent of tropical flowers, and the ocean was a mere 20 feet away, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore soothed her.

She walked down, bare feet to the water. The sun was starting to set. The sky was beautiful shades of orange and yellow. She walked over to the water and let it wash over her feet. It was warm and soothing. It was so beautiful here.

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