Chapter 44

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"So Josh are you sure you are going to be okay going to Toronto for a few days on your own with Cassie?" Matt asked Josh. Josh was sitting on the couch in the back lounge playing one of his many guitars.

Josh looked up at Matt and raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you know her trying to get in your pants and everything."

Josh rolled his eyes. "Pfft........I will be fine."

"Okay." Matt said shrugging his shoulders. "Just don't do anything stupid that you can't take back, especially since you are unsure about your relationship with Ella. Which I don't see what the big decision is. You are just being your stubborn self."

Josh stopped playing and looked at Matt. "What the fuck Matt?"

"Well if I knew two years ago that you were going to do this to Ella I would have made my move on her."

Josh put his guitar down and ran his hand through his hair. "I am not going to do anything stupid." Josh said annoyed.

"Have you made up your mind about what you are going to do?"

Josh sighed. "No I have been trying not to think about it, that is why I have been staying busy."

"Have you even talked to her?"

"Nope.....called her the first night she left to make sure her and the boys got home okay. Mom has been keeping me updated on everything."

"Josh you are a stupid fuck. Just saying"

"Matthew shut up." Josh snapped not wanting to hear any more of what matt had to say. "It is hard....I love her. I just want more than she can give me. I want more kids, I want to experience what Sara and Mike are."

" have a family. The boys are fucking amazing and Ella she is beautiful and smart and for god knows why she loves you Josh; unconditionally loves you. You are not easy to be around sometimes Josh."

"I will figure it out. I am going home on the 22 of December for the holidays. As for Cassie and I we are just friends. I have two hotel rooms booked, and I will be in my hotel room by myself."

"You better be Ramsay, and you better straighten that fucked up head of yours out. If you throw what you have with Ella and the boys away, you will regret it." Matt said packing the rest of his bag up. "To the airport I go. Can't wait to be home."

"Safe travels Matt. Cya on the 23 for the annual Ramsay Chritstmas party. Mom is having it at my house this year."

"Keep your dick in your pants." Matt said and picked up his bag and got off of the bus.

Josh sighed and ran his hand through his hair. Matt was being ridiculous. He wasn't ever going to have anything more to do with Cassie besides being her friend. Even if Ella wasn't in the picture, he wouldn't be interested.

He stretched out on the couch, he missed Ella so much. Was he just being stubborn? He did have two amazing little boys. They were the light of his world. Then there was Ella. She was smart, and beautiful, she was so cute she was sexy. She didn't need to dress sexy, she just was to him. He wanted to talk to the babies. He sighed, what the hell was he doing?

"Josh the car is here to take us to the airport?" Cassie yelled from the front of the bus.

Josh stretched and gathered his things. He would work hard the next few days, and avoid any distractions.


"Ella why don't you sit down and relax." Ben said watching Ella clean the kitchen like a mad woman. They had a long day; they went Christmas shopping, had supper had Josh's parents, which was awkward. But the boys had a blast, by the time they got them home they passed out as soon as Ella put them in their beds.

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