Chapter 39

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It was November first; Josh had been gone for a little over three weeks. It seemed like an eternity to Ella. She was working and taking care of the boys, she was exhausted and depressed. She hated being away from Josh. He called every night, he was always happy when he called. He would ask about the boys, and rambling on about that nights show. He loved his life on the road.

Ella would creep his twitter and tumblr for new pics of him, like she use to do when she was apart from him when the boys were first born. She would feel jealous of the pictures taken with the beautiful girls he meant each day after and before the shows. She knew he was hers, but she was just upset that she wasn't there with him.

She sighed closing her lap top shut and setting on the night stand beside her bed. It was just after one in the morning. She had gotten home at midnight and still couldn't sleep. She hadn't talked to Josh this evening because she was working. She just needed to hear his voice then maybe she could sleep. She picked up her cell phone and dialed his number. It rang a few times before he answered.


"Hey babe." Ella said softly.

"Sweetheart I was just thinking about you." Josh said smiling.

"You were?" Ella asked loving the sound of his voice.

"I just got back to the hotel. Matt and I went out in search of food and we came back with just junk food. I am just climbed into bed."

"Hopefully you had more than junk food. You need to eat right Josh."

He chuckled. "Yes mom."

"Stop it. I am just concerned."

He laughed. "How are the boys?"

"Well Liam fell today and put is tooth through his lip, Landon picked on the cats and Bennie most of the day."

"Awww poor little guy. Did he cry much?"

"A little but he was up and on the go again in five minutes." She said as she turned over on her side. "They are getting so big. They are going to be two in February. I hope you are home for their birthday."

Josh sighed. He could hear the sorrow in Ella's voice. "I am going to be there, I am not going to miss another birthday.''

"I am sorry that you missed the first." She said as a tear fell down her face.

"Sweetheart ........"Josh started he heard her sniff. "Awwww baby don't cry." He said running his hand through his hair. "Everything is ok."

Ella sniffed. "I miss you." She sobbed into the phone.

"Baby get on a plane and come out. Bring the boys. I would love to see you. I will book the flight now."

"I can't Josh. I work."

Josh rolled his eyes. "Quit. You don't need to work."

Ella sighed. "I love it Josh, besides it gives me something to do. I can't be on the road with you all the time. The boys need a home."

"Sooooooo are you going to come."

Ella smiled. "I have two days off, I could fly out. I think I will leave the boys with your mum though. Such a short trip would be too tiring for them."

Josh was disappointed; he would love to see the boys. He missed them. "okay I miss those little boys so much. I will take you though." He said smiling. "Damn I miss you."

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