Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Ella sat on a plane, her, Sara and Ben were heading to the east coast. They had stayed an extra day in Ottawa to have some fun. It wasn't that much fun, Ella was upset and mopping. After the show the previous night, Josh left for the airport with the rest of the guys without saying good bye to Ella. She sat there and stared out the plane window waiting for takeoff.

"L what is wrong?" Ben asked touching his friends hand softly.

She looked at him and smiled. "Josh." Was all she had to say.

"He is being a little bitch." Ben said matter of faculty. He had gotten the weird vibe from him at the after party they had before the boys left for the airport. "I am glad he was drinking because his plane ride probably wasn't the best. When you touched his arm and he pulled away from you, I wanted to kick his sexy ass."

Ella giglged. "Doesn't matter how pissed off you are at him, he is still sexy as hell."

"You know it. I don't know how you stand it." Ben smiled at Ella. "I love his hair by the way. Oh to run my fingers through that mess on his head."

"BEN!" Ella scolded. "That is my future husband you are talking about."

"Are you sure you won't share."

Ella slapped Ben. "Hey now." Ben said acting like he was hurt, then started laughing.

The plan took off, they would be in Halfiax in just over two hours. It was a direct flight. There would be a car waiting at the airport to take them to the Metro center where the boys were playing tonight. Ella read quietly on the plane. She made herself look busy. The whole time she replayed the events of the last few days over in her mind. She didn't know why Josh was upset and acting the way he was. She had two more nights with him, then she was flying back home to Van city.

The plane landed and they got their luggage and headed to the venu. It took them a little over forty minutes to get there. They had no trouble with security, everything was arranged.

Sara went right to Mike's side as soon as she seen him. Ella scanned the area but seen no Josh. She sighed.

Ben put his arm around her as they walked towards the stage. Cassandra seen them coming her way. She didn't like Ben, she glared at Ben and Ella as they approached.

"Hi Cassandra."

Cassandra looked at them but didn't say a word.

"Do you know where Josh is?"

"He is out back resting. Please don't bother him."

"Why are you such a bitch?" Ben asked not tolerating Cassandra's tone with his friend. "I just don't get your hate."

"You don't even know me, I am just trying to do my job, which is take care of Josh and make sure he doesn't get distracted."

"Ben don't bother to waste your breath." Ella said putting her hand on his arm. "I will go find him." She smiled. "I am sure the guys want to catch up with you."

"I sure as hell want to catch up with the adorableness of Matt Webb. I have to go squeeze his cheeks and not his face either."

Ella laughed at her friend and watched him saunder away. She went out back to see if she could find Josh. Their tour manager Steve was the first person she seen. "Hey Steve you see Josh."

"Ya he is in the green room talking to his mom."

Ella smiled. "Thanks."

Ella made her way down to the room where Josh was, she could hear him talking to the boys.

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