Year 4 - 46

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Rosier had dragged them all to the entrance hall pretty much demanding them to watch students throwing their names in the Goblet of Fire.

The Goblet of Fire would be the judge for whom would be the Champions and participate in the tournament. After students had thrown their names in it, the Goblet would choose one out of each school to participate. Astrid couldn't figure what was so interesting about watching who wanted to participate, and it was odd Rosier had been so eager, but they were there nevertheless.

Perhaps the brown-eyed girl would have thought differently if the only-the-ones-over-17-years-of-age-can-participate rule hadn't been dropped on them. If her peers would've been the ones throwing their names in the Goblet, she would've liked to watch. But now that only older years could do that, she found no use in watching them when she didn't even know their names.

Draco had been especially grumpy since finding out about the rule. Suddenly all his hopes had been crushed and he felt almost embarrassed for bragging he'd participate. His father had told him all about the tournament and the glory it brings to the winner and he had hoped that perhaps if he won, Lucius would for once be truly proud of his son. But no. Draco had been robbed of the opportunity and he was pissed.

It didn't help that Ninomae kept teasing him about it. She kept joking about how sad it was he wasn't allowed to participate and therefore disappear forever. The girl kept joking about the fact and Draco was starting to doubt it even was a joke anymore.

Astrid worried so too. But she had hastily shrugged the feeling off instead telling herself she was just getting back at him for the things he had told her back in the second year, about how it would be better she would've just gotten snatched by the basilisk.

It wasn't nice, the things she said. Astrid knew that. But that's the lesson she had been taught while growing up. While other parents taught their kids to stand above such comments and not stoop to their bully's level, Astrid was told to stand up for herself and fight back. That's exactly what she did.

They sat watching the students pass them, some more determined than others, some placing their names in the Goblet, some just watching and cheering.

Some Hufflepuff lad got pushed in the circle that encircled the Goblet and Astrid cringed at the memory of the lesson they had had earlier that day. A lesson where they had been pushed to do something against their will. A lesson where Professor Moody had used the Imperius curse on his own students.

Everything about it had felt wrong to Astrid. Beginning with the fact it was basically illegal, and ending with how unnerving it felt knowing that as easily as that someone could take full control of her. She felt more embarrassed not for the awful frog impersonation she had had to perform, but rather for the fact she hadn't been able to do anything about it. Even more unsettling was the knowledge that it could be done to her at any moment and she would only vaguely be aware that something was wrong; if she'd even realise it at all.

A single loud laugh escaping Rosier's mouth brought Astrid back out of her thoughts. The girl turned around to see Rosier sat with her hand over her mouth as Tracey elbowed her side, the green-eyed girl's face had turned completely red. As much as Tracey tried hiding her silly grin, she simply couldn't do it.

"No," Daphne gasped, having noticed the unusual state of the girl as well. "Tracey, darling," the blonde appeared ecstatic, "you've got a crush on Cedric Diggory."

The girl looked down biting her lip, one loose strand of hair falling in her face. 

Astrid liked to believe it was her doing, having danced with her the year before, that Tracey Davis had changed. 

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