Year 4 - 53

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A week later and the Yule Ball was officially announced.

Astrid had the hardest time trying not to jump up and down in excitement as she listened to their head of house drone on about the importance of them knowing how to dance, not embarrassing the school and the general information of how the evening of the ball would go down. Astrid knew she would have no problem with dancing. The girl had been dreaming of going to a ball ever since she was very little.

"I will assume most of you to know and have already mastered the subtle art of dancing," Snape spoke as he slowly paced through the middle of the classroom. Slytherin boys and girls, all 4th years and up, were sat on either side of the room, organized by gender. As expected at that age, most girls were excited, most boys - repulsed. Though nobody showed much emotion as they knew the professor wouldn't hesitate to hand detentions out to them. Some 5th year had already gotten one for calling on a girl at the other side of the room. "Those of you who don't... A shame."

Snape whipped on his heel, his robes swishing behind him as he restarted his stroll back to the other end of the classroom where a big record player had been placed. 

"Unfortunately," the professor stopped once more, now looking over the students carefully, "my job is to guarantee the lot of you will not appear as fools or in any way disgrace the name of Salazar Slytherin." He turned around and placed a vinyl on the record player, setting it up to play music.

Astrid's mind went to the fact she could've just lent the man one of her radios (possibly the herbology one so she could have an excuse for being stupid, as she wouldn't have a book) and the whole affair would've been a whole lot easier.

"Although I am certain that will happen with," Astrid froze for a moment once the professor's cold eyes landed on her specifically, "or without my help."

The man was still mad at her, probably more so now that she had a month of detentions where to annoy him with her presence. Draco had gotten the same punishment, although their detentions went on at different times, per request of their fathers to not put the children alone in the same room for hours on end. 

Draco had gotten a much worse scolding than the one Astrid had received through her mother's letter. First and foremost, the elder Malfoy was mad that his son kept on attempting to torment Potter, which Lucius had told Draco multiple times not to do as it would make their family look bad. Then Draco had gotten a harsher scolding for choosing Ninomae as his mischief partner than the fact he had done the mischief in the first place. The youngster had been met with the same ultimatum as Astrid - that if he ever got it on with the girl, he might as well forget about returning home - only the platinum-blonde father had not even bothered to play it off as a joke.

Which had led to the young boy being absolutely terrified as he had already once kissed the girl, and if his father would in any way be able to penetrate his mind, Draco was sure to be done for.

"Girls, form a line-" Snape had to pause disappointedly as the female population of Slytherin jumped to their feet rather excitedly. "You will be drawing names and I expect there to not be a ruckus."

Less bubbly than before the girls walked to stand in a line, Astrid and Daphne finding themselves somewhere near the middle. 

Rosier remained seated with her arms crossed.

"You too, Miss Rosier," Snape urged on with a bored look on his face as he pulled out a bowl in which laid bits of ripped up parchment.

"I don't dance."

"Brilliant. I don't care. Now stand up if you don't want to be joining Mr Brooks in detention!"

With a scowl, the girl was up on her feet and stood at the very back of the line.

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