Year 3 - 39

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One wouldn't believe what Astrid was doing at the given moment. Astrid herself couldn't believe what she was doing.

The girl crept out of her bed as quietly as she could and then just as quietly exited the room. 

She hadn't changed from her casual clothes when laying down in bed, knowing that she would be sneaking out that night. And although the girl had thought she would be prepared, having put on a pair of sweatpants and a sweater, the cold air she was met within the common room still surprised her.

Astrid was embarrassed to say she was sneaking out to take Draco Malfoy out on a secret birthday outing.

She didn't understand what had gone over her but she was doing it and not because she would've particularly enjoyed it, but more so because she pitied him.

Pansy had been yapping on about Malfoy's birthday being the following day for the entirety of the day. It had annoyed Astrid to the core. And as much as she wanted to shove his head down the toilet that day as a present, she had been feeling like a bit of a bitch lately. The girl had realised that doing what she was about to do might just help her boost her ego back up and feel better about herself.

Plus, after dancing in the rain, Astrid was feeling especially pleasant. Her mood had increased immensely. Seeing how much more relaxed and happier Tracey had looked after their outing, filled Astrid with such pride and happiness that she wanted to help everyone feel the way the two felt. She wanted to help others come out of their cold shell too, unlocking what she called 'their inner sunshine' and enjoying themselves at least for a moment.

Unfortunately, Draco Malfoy just had to happen to be her next charity case.

Not that she particularly wanted to be the source of his happiness, in fact, she didn't want to see him happy at all but... Just don't judge her too much, okay? Astrid herself wasn't entirely sure why and what was she doing.

Step by step Astrid tiptoed her way to the boy's dormitories and slowly crept open the door, praying the boys hadn't decided to make this some party night and stay up late. (Not that it was likely to happen since the next day was the day of their first exams; another reason why Astrid shouldn't have been doing what she was doing, by the way.) It would've been terribly awkward explaining what she was doing sneaking into their room so late.

But opening the door, she was met with complete darkness.

She tiptoed her way to the bed she knew was Malfoy's and lightly stepped on the stairs that led up to his top bunk. The board squeaked and Astrid froze, hoping it hadn't been loud enough to wake anybody up. 

She waited for 5 seconds before taking another step. Now that she was high enough to reach him, she tapped the lad's leg in hopes the boy would wake up.

Malfoy didn't move.

Astrid poked his leg once more.

No reaction whatsoever.

The girl started to get irritated and pushed said leg lightly.

Met with no reaction again she ran out of her patience and grabbed onto his leg yanking it backwards, making Malfoy sit up with a start.

"What the-"

"Shut up!" she whispered sternly and motioned with her hand at the door.

Just having woken up, Draco was very confused. His eyes hadn't fully adjusted either and they were going in and out of focus. Though he had easily recognised Ninomae being in front of him by the sound of her voice.

"Put on-" Astrid's eyes momentarily flickered to the boy's bare chest. "-something, and meet me in the common room."

With that, the girl silently climbed down the ladder and tiptoed outside.

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