Year 5 - 120

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Astrid laughed heartily, his breath tickling her ear as he whispered into it. Had that been the reason or not, she didn't care, but hearing her laugh, he lightly pecked and then blew over her ear, making her chuckle once more, squirming away from the sensation. Amused, the boy moved to do it once more and Astrid squirmed to the side again, then trying to move back just the same time he moved to the side too. The two teens bopped heads.


"I'm sorry," Astrid laughed and she felt his head drop to the crook of her neck. His forehead pressed against her side. A laugh of his own skipped past Malfoy's lip, nearly blending in with the rest of his heavied breaths.

Warmth spread over her chest, having heard the sound. Once his lips connected with her cheek to peck it continuously, it felt almost as if somebody had grabbed at her heart, clutching it with what felt deadly claws. Ever since the first time that had happened, her heart had gotten used to the occasional spurts of feeling. Now though... her muscles were squeezing with newfound intensity.

Astrid Ninomae was running through a scorching desert, her throat dry, unable to scream.

Malfoy moved to kiss her lips again, taking her breath away even more so than she had gasped on her own. If she wanted to, she wouldn't be able to scream.

A pipe running by along the length of the ceiling snapped in half, coming down quickly and hitting the blonde child across the side of her head and out of Astrid's way. The young figure of Draco Malfoy fell to the ground.

Malfoy moved onto her neck.

Watching the unconscious boy Astrid imagined the white flooding out of his hair through the wound in his head as it lost its colour, the same as his face did its, instead, turning dark and revealing the seemingly innocent boy's true destiny. It was a pleasure of sorts.

Astrid breathed shakily, a whimper skipping past her lips, her heart clutching tighter again. She could already feel the headache forming at the back of her head. She didn't know why she was suddenly imagining that. It disturbed her to the core. All she knew was that her heart rate was growing faster by the second.

Astrid Ninomae was running. But when she looked down at the ground, she could see she wasn't moving. Her feet kicking furiously, she remained in place. A pair of strong arms grabbed her from behind and twisted her around. He looked down on her, his unmistakeable platinum locks shining in the scorching sun that kept cooking her from the inside. And when he glared, raising a silver dagger in one of his hands, Astrid almost prefered the previous image. She knew if she wouldn't run, she would die. Her eyes flailed around anxiously as she tried to scream but no sound came. Kruz Raidlly, who kept twirling her skull necklace around her finger slowly, was watching silently standing atop a sand dune.

Malfoy sucked on the skin of her neck harshly and Astrid cried out, his touch suddenly foreign and dangerous. He paused, lifting himself off of her and sporting an expression of concern. Out of sheer embarrassment, Astrid laughed.

Her heart hurt, her head even more so. Why, she didn't know, but Astrid wanted to run.

"I think Raidlly just wears her necklace symbolically," Astrid blurted instead of answering the blondes questioning gaze. She looked to the side, unable to look into his eyes. Her breaths came rigid and she wiped her suddenly sweaty palms in the covers of the bed. The images still kept running through her head.

He gulped, disappointment prominent in his voice once he spoke. "Is that really what you're thinking about right now?"

It hadn't been. But Astrid knew he better not knew the random images that had popped up in her mind. It hadn't been, but now it was. For this was a way better thought than any of those before.

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