Year 5 - 111

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"Holy shit!" Astrid exclaimed at the equally angered figure of Draco Malfoy. "Merlin's beard, you're going to give me a heart attack one day."

The blonde only crossed his arms, standing up straight from where he had been leaning against the wall. "Where were you?"

Astrid took deep breaths to calm her pounding heart. "Piss off," breathed she more as a sigh than anything else. "Daph and I were out. We were talking about that deal with Mr Willkins and- and..." she trailed off seeing the glare he looked upon her with. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"With Greengrass, were you?" 

Astrid's right hand went to grip her left and she fidgeted with her rings. She tried a smile. "Uh, yea, we-"

Her voice halted once again as Malfoy licked over his bottom teeth before leaning back a bit, his jaw clenched. "No, no, go on, puppet."


"No, because it's really interesting how the same Greengrass spent the afternoon in our dorm, chatting off with Zabini. Or maybe you've just mistaken which Greengrass you were out with..."

Astrid scoffed, embarrassed the boy had caught her lying redhanded. "That's ridiculous..." The girl didn't know what was to be said at this point. So she just huffed again, trying to change the topic altogether. "You know you shouldn't creep up on me like that. It's weird-"

"Who were you with?"

Malfoy already knew that much about her, that other people didn't. She doubted he should find out about the oddity that was her shack as well. "You're my boyfriend, not my dad. I needn't tell you everything that is-"

"Who. Were. You. With?"

Astrid paused, carefully inspecting the glare he was looking at her with. He was jealous...

"Nobody," her lips stretched into a smile, a small chuckle escaping them as she watched him chew on the nail of his thumb momentarily and then throw the hand by his side again.

"Quit lying to me, Ninomae."

"I was-" Astrid paused to once more overlook his features. Seeing her do that, Malfoy raised his eyebrows slightly, daring her to even try to bullshit her way out of the situation. "Okay..." He already knew that much... Astrid supposed it wouldn't change much if he found out about yet another thing about why she wasn't normal. "This is going to sound crazy but I swear I'm not lying."

Malfoy only narrowed his eyes slightly, not helping her case at all.

"There's this- no, it sounds ridiculous even in my head. I swear I'm not mental. I shouldn't be at least. But there is this small house that only I can see."

Malfoy opened his mouth to interject but then closed it just as quickly.

"And I go there sometimes. To do things."

"What kind of things?"

"Uh- listen, Malfoy, I don't have to tell you everything."

"What kind of things?"

Astrid glared. "Hide to take a break from your stupid self, to name one thing." The girl crossed her arms over her chest, despising the way he wanted to control her. Being controlled was something she would never tolerate in any situation in life. She was too proud and free-spirited for such a thing.

Malfoy swallowed thickly, his jaw tensing even more. "I don't believe you."

"Ah, too bad," she gave a fake smile, before allowing her expression to relax into a frown. "What are you gonna do now, huh?"

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