Year 5 - 121

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Silence between two people can mean many things.

It can be just that they don't know one another and don't care enough to start up a conversation. Two people can sit in silence because they feel awkward - feeling anxious that any of their next words would make the situation worse. A louder kind of silence can be heard from those too angered to speak. 

But the best kind of silence is one you don't even hear. A silence that just is there when two simply enjoy the presence of one other, not feeling any obligation to speak to be able to express just how at peace they feel - where no words have to be spoken, where the atmosphere on itself is enough to show how comfortable the other feels. At ease... 

Astrid Ninomae had never enjoyed so much just sitting down, relaxing, doing nothing at all, as she did that early May morning. It was just barely past 5 am and she watched the colours in the sky changing. When they first had gone outside, the sky had held a dark bluish glow. One really strong black tea Malfoy served had woken up not only Astrid but also the sky above them. Once he had lifted the lid of the teapot to conjure hot water into it, the sky had taken the lid off the horizon, allowing the first rays of sun to begin to spread from behind it.

The air was crisp and a little cold, but wearing the three jumpers that she was, it felt alright. Light steam streamed out of their cups, evaporating in the much cooler air, giving their drinks an appearance of a bubbling potion. Of course, Astrid had seized the opportunity and laughed that the lad had fixed her tea with some potion because feeling so happy for something he had done, surely couldn't have been natural. Malfoy had merely swung his fork and thrown the little piece of cake attached to it at the girl, making her jump to the side with another chuckle.

Mountains stretched out before them. The Great Lake simmered in the soft sunlight. The grass was wet, but that couldn't be felt from over the blanket the two were laid over. Side by side. Their fingertips brushing just barely, delivering ghosts for touches. Until Astrid decided she had had enough of that and, once reaching over the boy, to dip her piece of cake into the bit of whipped cream left, she simply didn't move back to her spot. Instead, Astrid dropped downwards, right there over him, her chin landing rather roughly onto his chest and making him emit a small grunt. But the girl didn't care. She remained where she was, grabbing the bowl of whipped cream, and rolled over onto her back. After offering Malfoy a bit of the cream too, receiving nothing but a headshake in response, she dipped her piece of cake into it and then tipped her head back a little, placing it all into her mouth.

Draco smiled to himself, his own hand snaking from underneath her back to rest over her stomach limply. The boy noticed a bit of the cream smeared just below her bottom lip and before she could, he had wiped it off with a pad of his finger. He licked it and then allowed his hand to fall back over her as he looked back up at the passing clouds of the sky above them. Shapes of this and that painted in all colours of pink and orange. 

He felt her looking up at him and allowed his eyes to trail downwards to look at her. But all Ninomae did was give a small smile before looking up at the sky herself, like an avalanche setting off the warm flip that first emitted in the pit of his stomach, before crawling upwards and spreading in the form of warmth all over his chest, eventually stopping at his lips, to stretch them out in a smile of his own.

This was what he had forever wanted. As a little boy, Draco had daydreamed of going to Hogwarts. He had daydreamed of friends and peaceful mornings. He had wished for tiny adventures and a shit ton of chocolate. It was ridiculous how much little Draco had always wanted chocolate. And now he had that. In a way much different from what he had imagined, but he had that. He was sat outside, on an early morning, a warm cup of tea and a chocolate cake by his side. All around him nothing but peace and silence. Though now, instead of a book he had forever wished to hold, it was Ninomae laid in his embrace - one who could tell stories more interesting than any book could. One whose presence was enough to fill him with all the positive energy even the best fictional couple would be jealous of. Ninomae who's smell had long become his favourite over the smell of fresh parchment that he had forever adored.

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