Year 5 - 83

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Astrid walked down the very middle of the hallway. Her eyes were trained straight ahead of her, a small smirk playing at the corners of her lips.

She was very well aware people were staring and she was loving it.

A single glance here and a first-year looked away. Another glance there and a Gryffindor glared. Astrid Ninomae still had a bandage over her nose. Walking down the first-floor corridor, a storm raging right outside the grand gothic windows on her left, some people moving out of her way, others simply staring, Astrid felt on top of the world.

Yes, move out of the way peasants.

The girl didn't actually think she was better than everyone else. Her rich Slytherin friends hadn't rubbed off on her that much just yet. But she did have an aura of superiority swell inside of her as she walked down the corridor just the next day after the fight.

It didn't matter much what the others were truly thinking. All that mattered was the girl felt like she was having her badass slow-mo moment in some coming-of-age teen movie. Add a random explosion in the background and she would've been on fire. Literally or figurately, that would be for her imagination to decide.

Astrid spotted the mop of Malfoy's platinum blonde locks and nearly broke her act by grinning.

She sped up a little and right before he could enter the classroom they were meant to go to, she grabbed him by his arm, away from Blaise with whom he had been chatting, so they could continue walking down the corridor.

"Walk with me!"

The blonde look at her completely bewildered.

"What the-"

"We look so cool right now," she beamed, letting go of his arm and straightening back out, narrowing her eyes lazily.

Draco felt too confused to even oppose. His response slipping out only half-heartedly as he glanced back over his shoulder. "Our classroom is back-"


Draco was annoyed, so the snobbish glare that he looked upon the people scattered around the first-floor corridor with came naturally. Astrid personally had the hardest time not smiling.

The girl spotted some lad staring at them, who either didn't care they knew he was looking or had just forgotten he was doing it. She leaned over to Malfoy's side whispering a quiet "smile at eleven o'clock" before training her eyes at the lad.

Instantly Draco's glare only intensified at the audacity of her commanding him around.

The poor lad nearly fainted as he saw both Slytherins glaring down at him. He dropped his book, his eyes widening before he hastily crouched down, suddenly finding the floor more interesting than anything else around him.

The blonde had not expected to see that, but once he did, he couldn't help the smirk breaking out across his lips. Only when he looked back to see Ninomae biting down on her lip, her lips stretched into a smile, did he realize it had been intentional.

The odd feeling returned and for a split second, Draco didn't know what to do with himself.

To make it worse, just seconds later he felt her grab for his arm again, sending almost like a jolt of electricity from her fingertips and throughout his arm. Draco fought a shiver.

What the fuck is happening?

He turned his head to look at her once more and with horror saw her cheek closing in on him.

"Two o'clock now," she spoke, her voice just above a whisper. "Serious now. Daughter matters."

That one word and Draco was all attention once again.

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