Year 3 - 32

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This was it. The day. The day Raidlly would get her proper punishment. Astrid was psyched.

And that wasn't the only reason the girl was psyched. She had finally coaxed Daphne to go to the woods to visit the small shack once more. 

After having passed it in their Care For Magical Creatures class the previous week, Astrid had been reminded of it and had been thinking about it constantly. Yet she couldn't bring herself to go down there alone. It was true, she had been getting better and better at the Patronus charm, but it was nowhere near as good enough to successfully fight off a single dementor, don't even speak about a horde of them.

Being scared, she could've just dropped the idea of going and exploring it, but she didn't. She could never. Not only did she feel drawn to it, the place just screamed 'adventure'. And who was Astrid Ninomae if not the girl who loved the thrill of just barely escaping trouble?

The six Slytherin girls made their way over to the Slytherin side of the quidditch stands and sat themselves down. There weren't many people there, especially from their house. It was a Ravenclaw/Gryffindor game after all. But the six girls had come. And not because they loved watching Quidditch. They had come to see their prank (if one could call it that) play out.

The crowd was hooting and cheering and the game was about to begin.

Daphne had told Astrid the boys were down under the stands dressed up as dementors to attempt scaring Potter off his broom. It was a little cruel and a wee bit stupid, but would surely only add onto the show they had come to watch.

The girls sat waiting for Rosier to decide the moment to set her prank in action.

And they didn't have to wait long.

It all timed so perfectly. Just the moment Raidlly raised her hand to throw the quaffle (mind she had a clear shot and would've definitely scored), Rosier quietly spoke her incantation. The Ravenclaw girl's face was instantly splashed with thick green substance, some of it going up her nose, sticking in her hair and surely clouding her vision. By the way the girl winced, it was easy to tell she was not only shocked but also in slight pain. Rosier had said it would feel as if she had gotten slapped from both sides of her face at the same time and it indeed looked so.

Just as Raidlly let go of the quaffle, grasping at her coloured face, Potter, who had been zooming close to the ground below her and had been startled by their classmates, skidded off his broom, sliding forward on his bum through the slightly wet grass. The quaffle fell perfectly where the bloke had skidded to a stop, roughly landing on top of his head. The object bounced off and Potter fell backwards stunned.

None of the Slytherin's present could hold in their laughter. Never in a million years had Astrid imagined it would go down so perfectly. The girl felt her stomach starting to hurt as she kept swinging back and forth, clutching it in uncontainable laughter. Even Tracey Davis, who usually reserved herself to amused huffs or smirks was full-on snickering and hiding her flushed face behind Rosier's back. The dark-skinned girl herself sat biting down on her knuckles, no sound coming out but her shoulders jumping up and down. Pansy was the loudest of them all as she had slipped backwards off her seat, now laying or the ground where Millicent was struggling to help her up. Daphne as always looked like she was having a stroke, leaning onto Astrid as well throwing her head backwards time after time.

Their laughter was the sound most dominantly echoing through the now rather silent Quidditch pitch where Madam Hooch had stopped the game. The other Houses, with the exceptions of a few laughing students, glared in the direction of the terribly loud Slytherin girls. It wasn't that they believed the girls had been at fault, they just strongly disliked the way they were disrespectfully laughing about the members of their houses getting hurt.

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