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hi, i changed the cover of this story. below is what it looked like before 💀

I've also requested a cover from an artist and am hoping it's gonna be ready soon so i might be changing the cover again in a short while 😂 but i had to change this monstrosity cause i couldn't stand it

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I've also requested a cover from an artist and am hoping it's gonna be ready soon so i might be changing the cover again in a short while 😂 but i had to change this monstrosity cause i couldn't stand it.

but anyway this chapter will be deleted after a few days, so yea... i hope y'all haven't lost this story amongst the others with the cover change.

chapter 117 is coming in a bit.

anyone wanting to chat - hello! how's your day?

does anyone of you watch sports? cause I've been watching the world cup of hockey and i never knew it could be this intense and interesting - me and my friends were literally jumping up and down from the couch and cursing like drunk dads watching football.

also watched eurovison yesterday and it was so hard to decide whom to vote about when i liked so many. but Italy though... bro it was chef's kiss. and the lead singer bro-- I've never been more in love with a person before damn... like he's in a rockgroup, he's hot AND he wears eyeliner and knows how to walk platform heels. DUDE THAT'S INSANE!!! I'm just- my mind is boggled. I've melted.

but anyway, my point was me and my friend shouted so loud when we saw italy win, most of the excitement coming from the fact I won a bet over my other friend who really liked switzerland.

well, that still wasn't my point. now my real point is - i screamed so much yesterday my throat is kinda sore today. crazy stuff, babes... 

did anyone else watch eurovision and whom did you like the most?

aaah i adored russia (Я вас не виню, а себя я чертовски люблю) - gives me goosbeumps every time without any exception. the lyrics, the empowerment. the performance. aaah, perfection. 

ukraine and azerbaijan were swag af too.

do you ever just want to magically know all the languages too, just to understand everything? like it's such a bliss to listen to something in french when i know very little and to kinda understand what is said (like i was listening to the french performance and whenever i understood something it got me so excited - which btw france too sends goosebumps down my spine with every voila). if only it could be so with all languages easily 😪 

also watched 365 days for the first time yesterday and wtf even is that. i laughed my arse off. bAbYgOrL. my main concern though is that younger kids will watch it and think that's hot and okay when it's nothing more than kidnapping and sexual assault.

i had an odd day yesterday, can you tell? lmao

anyway... if you read through all of my random rant, babygirl, have you really nothing better to do with your life? ahah

anyone wanting to chat, be free to comment sth, cuz i'm ignoring the fact i have an english test tomorrow and a psychology project due and am looking for a distraction. as they say, due tomorrow = do tomorrow 🥰

your author :)

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