Year 5 - 71

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Only the first day back and Astrid was already sat in detention.

Ugly, bright, loud and awfully pink office. One with an equally appalling professor. And an equally obsessive amount of cat photos. 

Darling dearest professor Dolores Umbridge or as Astrid had unfortunately misheard during the Grand Feast's announcement - Dolores Umbitch.

A misunderstanding that had led her to where she was sat now.

It had been just earlier that day and their very first Defense Against the Dark Arts with the new professor. 

During the feast, Astrid had looked upon the woman with the hope that maybe she wouldn't be as odd as many of the previous professors had turned out to be. She had looked at the short pink woman trying to not be judgemental and draw any conclusions from the woman's fashion choices. She had kept an open mind wishing for a good professor. 

Though the girl should've known it would be no normal school year right the moment she burst out laughing during the silence that had set after the new professor had declared that she was 'happy to see all the bright happy faces smiling up at' her. Astrid simply hadn't been able to hold herself together seeing not a single smiling child and therefore had tried her best keeping quiet as she hid her face in the crook of Daphne's neck, the only indication of her laughing being a few sharp breaths and intense jumping of her shoulders.

It had only gotten worse arriving at the lesson in the morning. Defence Against the Dark Arts and Charms had always been Astrid's favourite classes because she loved everything that had to do with sending a spell. Therefore it is easy to understand why the girl felt crushed once it was declared wands wouldn't be even allowed to be taken out during their D.A.D.A. classes. 

Potter speaking up about his delusions of You-Know-Who having returned, making the professor yell in the classroom, had turned her mood even more rotten. She didn't want the notion to be true and so she didn't believe him. And with the pride of hers, she would insist on her opinion until clearly proven otherwise.

To continue making her first day back an utter disaster Astrid had decided to smooth the tension out and maybe perhaps get in the good graces of the professor by asking about on which page they should begin their reading. Not that the girl was planning on doing much of it but she felt that if she had questioned then perhaps the professor wouldn't bother checking on her much and simply assume that the girl was reading because she had showcased interest beforehand.

A horrible idea.

Astrid had spoken up, called the professor by the surname she truly believed the woman had - Umbitch - only to be met with a whole bunch of dropped jaws.

"Excuse me?" the professor had exclaimed in her squeaky voice.

Astrid had simply furrowed her eyebrows confused. She hadn't been able to see what it was she had done wrong. "Uh..."

"What did you just say?" the professor had inquired again, beginning to take a few threatening steps towards the girl.

Astrid had looked to her side at Daphne. The blonde had sat there stunned and wide-eyed. Looking to the other side she had seen Theo, hiding behind Blaise, trying his very best to keep his face straight and not burst out laughing, while Blaise had bit down on the insides of his cheeks. Malfoy had been the only one openly smirking.

"What did I say?" Astrid had inquired genuinely, making Draco emit a tiny excited squeak as he had sat back further in his chair enjoying the show.

"Are you mocking me?" the professor had gone nearly as pink as her uniform.

"I am-" Astrid had cut herself off. Her initial thought had been to say she was confused but she had decided against it and had rather settled on apologizing. "Sorry..?"

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